♤ 1.5 - talks ♤

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Lake was growing anxious. It had been nearly over a month since the whole valentines incident and neither of them talked about the kiss.

With neither leaving the house out of safety, their close proximity and constant clingyness increased. If they weren't doing something that required them to be separated, they were tangled together on almost any surface they could.

But they never spoke about the feelings growing between them and never kissed again after that first time.

And Lake really wished they would.

He'd decided long before the kiss he cared for  Harvey so deeply and just wanted them to realize that.

Sighing, Lake enters the kitchen with plans to make something to eat, seeing as he hadn't done so in the last....two days.

Harvey had been sitting on the counter, distracted by reading something on his phone and chewing on his thumbnail, eyebags clear as the hair covering his face fell into his eyes.

He stopped swinging his legs when Lake approached, leaning his arms on either side of Harvey and pressing his forehead gently into their chest.

Lake briefly looked at what was on Harvey's screen, Fiona's contact name pulled up showing a conversation consisting of the teenager freaking out over a girl in her class.

"Can I help you?"

Lake smirked slightly as Harvey set his phone down, scooting back slightly so they weren't so close. Their faces were both red when they realized just how close they were to each other and just how many different colors danced between their eyes.


"..on what?"

Lake shrugged but stayed looking at Harvey in the eyes. He started to get lost in them, trapped in a trance as he traced the flakes of gold scattered within.

"If you wanted to kiss me you could have just said so," Harvey practically growled before he gently grabbed the front of Lake's shirt and pulling him to match their height, pressing their lips together in a lasting but gentle kiss.

Wrapping his other arm around Lake's neck, Harvey scooted closer to the edge as Lake wrapped his own arms around his waist and practically melted into the counter.

The two broke apart and smiled at each other briefly before Lake pulled Harvey off the counter, the ladder securely wrapping their legs around his waist.

Lake laughed and spun them, jokingly calling Harvey his little koala before they rolled his eyes and pressed a quick kiss to Lake's slightly chapped lips again.

Harvey then laughed while pushing off him and asking to be let go. Lake dramatically sighed but complied nonetheless the less. Harvey kissed his cheek before grabbing the toast that had popped out and putting it on the small plate nearby.

Lake got a mischievous look on his face that made Harvey giggle.

He jumped to run away from Lake, who managed to tackle them to the floor of the livingroom only a few seconds later followed by the two laughing hysterically.

Harvey rolled his eyes as Lake pushed himself off, hovering over him with a signature toothy grin.

"You're so pretty, you know that?"

This time it was Lake's turn to blush and intiate the kiss, quietly muttering a "shut up" when Harvey giggled against it.

Lake groaned lightly as he laid beside Harvey on the floor, curling into their side and burrying his head into their shoulder. He was so glad he could kiss Harvey.

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