♤0.5 - music stream♤

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Harvey began the stream with a small smile, glad to find only a few hundred join. The comfier setting and slightly later time meant he could relax and focus less on whatever people were typing and more on being comfortable.

"Hello, hello! Welcome chat. Yes Braley I am wearing a totoro onsie thank you for noticing." Harvey laughed as he read out some of the chat, his fingers resting on the fret board as he pulled up the chords for his song on the other monitor.

"Okay since there isn't many people in here, what's says we give y'all a preview of the song I just finished?"

The few people in chat began spamming and Harvey obliged, scooting over for Salem to join him. She laid her head on his shoulder as he began, smiling in appreciation and reassurance when he began singing.

"Walking in figures of 8"

Harvey only sang the first verse of the song, seeing the jump in viewers and wondering why before he saw that he had just been raided by Tommy. He smiled and thanked him, laughing when the robotic voice of the donation sound went through.

Sing us a song big man

"Uh, okay. Hi to any new people we're just doin a chill music stream, so send in any song requests I can attempt with acoustic guitar."

Many different requests came through, including a couple of Lake's songs. Harvey was aware his roommate also made music but he didn't know he had released anything. However, Harvey wasn't ready for the embarrassment of messing up the song and having Lake hear it and come in to tease him about it.

Instead, he scanned chat for any other requests until one caught his eye.

"Oh, I see chat has taste."

Salem laughed from beside him and read what he pointed out.

"Oh hell yeah, chat we're gonna sing Hold On Til May by Pierce The Veil because if there's one way to win over Harvey's heart, it's to play or listen to Pierce. That's his favorite band."

Harvey smacked Salem's arm gently with a laugh and shook his head.

"Thank Sae. Anyways here's wonderwall!" Harvey laughs as Salem shoves him, nearly knocking him over in the meantime.

After a couple more songs, Salem had to go home and Lake suprised Harvey by joining him.

Lake took over the guitar as Harvey scanned chat again for requests. A donation rang through requesting the two cover an Artic Monkeys song.

"You know any?" Harvey asked hopefully, they had been one of those bands that music calmed him down when he couldn't sleep. Not to mention Lake had mentioned how much he also liked the band.

"A few" Harvey smiled as he rolled his eyes. If he doesn't stop smirking I'm gonna kiss it off his face.

"Wanna share with the class, Indie?"

"I don't know do I, Ev?"

The two stared at each other for a minute in complete and serious silence. Until a donotation came through requesting Baby I'm Yours by Artic Monkeys and the two burst into laughter. Weather it was the situation or how the robotic voice read out the title, neither cared to tell.

And so they took the request, Harvey taking Alex's parts as Lake took the other. They didn't break eye contact throughout most of the song and Harvey knew from the sheer amount of heat on his face that he was bright red.

He found himself staring at Lake's lips and the presence of the camera far too ingrained in his mind.

Stop looking so pretty. Stop making me like you

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