Chapter 2

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They made it to the training room where She trained all day by herself. He notes that there was a changing room," Go get change Prime." I said, "why?" He asked "You are training with me," I said he blush at the thought of us training together alone. I did too when I realized what I said I went straight to my changing room. He did the same thing. I took off my clothing and put on my training clothes. Over in the men's changing room, Optimus was looking around when he notes something: a picture with a mom and a dad that look to be in love with each other and two kids that look happy to be with each other. He heard a door open and he went to see who left the room.

He saw Rebekah standing in the middle of the training room. He was about to step out when he realized that he was not ready for training. He looks around the room and notes a pile of clean clothing and a note that says: "Be prepared to get your ass kicked"-Rebecca, "so that is how it is going to go well then you should be prepared to get your ass kicked Rebecca." Optimus thought. He got changed and headed out to the training room. "Are you ready, Optimus," I said as he blushed a bit. " Yes, are you?" he asked. "Then let's begin," I said. He started with a surprise attack which was a basic training level. I dogged it and tripped him and he fell to the ground, then got back up and continued the training he landed a couple of hits which was not bad. "He has the strength like Megatron, maybe more but yet he refuses to use it." I thought. We were at this for hours but I finally got him on the ground in defeat. He got up and tried to taco me but I did a roundhouse, and he flew into the wall and fell unconscious. I checked my watch and it read 11:40 a.m. "We have been training all night. I need to take him to mead bay so he can rest up for the training tomorrow." I thought to myself. I picked him up and went to med bay where Rana was. Rana turned to see me holding Optimus Prime in my arms, and she asked "What happened to him?". "We were training and he put up a good fight, but I hit him with a roundhouse and he flew into the wall and fell unconscious," I said. Rana told me to put him on the bed and she started to fix him up. When she was done fixing him right up she did the same to me. She told me " Go home and get some rest". I did what she said.

I went through the window and closed it and got ready for school tomorrow. The next morning he woke up in the med bay he was confused Rana filed him in on what happened. "All right, you know the way to get out of the forest, go home, and don't stop for anything she made an enemy yesterday so look out for her you understand," Rana said to him we'll hold his arm he nodded in understanding and went home before his parents got up. He went up to his room and got ready for school. An hour later he was with his group and he noticed me walking alone with Megatron following me with his group behind him. Optimus yields his name. I look at him in confusion then I turn around and I finally put the two together. Megatron was the one that I was fighting yesterday. I started to run to Optimus, but Megatron grabbed me before he could, he shoved me into a guy that I soon learned was named Breakdown. I was half his size and he was stronger than me as I tried to get free from his grip. "Let her go Megatron!" Optimus said, " Stay out of this Prime and I will deal with you later." Megatron said. I look at him with fear in my eyes because my father did this to me when I was home late for a whole month I started to cry. When Megatron was about to hit me I closed my eyes so I won't see the smirk on his face when I go down to the ground in a pan whimpering like a lost dog but I heard a thud. I opened my eyes to see Megatron on the ground with Optimus standing in front of him and he passed. Breakdown gave me to Starscream and was about to tackle Optimus but Bulkhead intervened and took the hit for him, Megatron got up and started to fight Optimus. Arcee took out Starscream and took me to the restroom to clean me up. After the fight was over she called prime and told them to meet up at the spot he agreed and told the other to meet there.

A few minutes later they all were there and talking about what happened, after a few minutes of talking they desired to have Rebecca join them for her safety. I was so scared that I did not notest myself crying, Ratchet notest me crying and started to sing a song to calm me down and it worked. They all started except Optimus, he knew that Ratchet sang that song to his little sister to calm her down. The range saying that the first hour is about to start Ratchet gave me a reassuring smile, Then we started to head to the first hour. Two hours have passed and it was lunchtime I was looking for Optimus and the others inside and outside I couldn't find them I went to the table that they always sit at, There was someone there that I had never seen before he was the silent type I could tell because I was like that he had a pin and notepad he started to writing something down and it read: "My name is Soundwave I was sent here to deliver a message from Megatron." After I read it, Soundwave handed me a note saying: "If you want to see your friends again you will meet me in the forest behind the school at 1:30 and come alone or you will never see your friends again."-Megatron. I was about to cry but there was more anger than sadness. I grabbed Soundwave by the throat and rammed him into the closest wall to me. " Remember this Soundwave, you tell that glorious leader of yours that I will be there and if any of my friends are harmed you and your follower will be in the hospital for the rest of your pathetic little lives," I said we'll let Soundwave as he fell to the ground catching his breath. He wrought it all down and walked off, for the rest of the day I had the others on my mind. In the forest behind the school, Soundwave walked up to Megatron and handed him the note he read and was smiling. He turned to Optimus and waved the note in front of him " you and your friends are going to watch me take her down." He said with a smile on his face. Optimus and the others sat there with wide eyes and fear. It was already 1:30. I started to pack everything up and the teacher asked "And where do you think you are going." "To take care of some business don't wait for me to continue the lesson I have somewhere to be," I said walking out of the classroom I went to the restroom to change into something that I can fight in. When I was done changing I went to the forest and found Megatron and the others. I looked at Optimus and the others and saw them with bruises and fresh cuts that were bleeding. "MEGATRON I told you not to lay a fucking hand on them," I said with poison in my voice "now you are going to fucking pay for what you did to them," I said, charing at him using my father's fighting techniques. We were fighting for hours and Megatron knocked me down "Do you give up, are you ready to pledge your loyalty to me?" He asked me "NEVER, I will never pledge my loyalty to someone like you Megatron'' I said we'll get up he called Breakdown and Knockout to help him take me down. Optimus was scared and he tried to get up and out of the ropes. "Let her fight Optimus I am sure she knows what she is doing," Ratchet said to Optimus knowing that he is right he just had to wait and see what happens next. Megatron called for more backup; it was too much for me to handle at once. I felt something break inside of me. I screamed in pain then blackout and Megatron were about to grab me when Optimus broke the ropes that were holding him down. When Megatron turned around he was met by a fist to the face and fell to the ground unconscious and the rest of Magatrons's group fled in fear.

Optimus went to free the others from their strands. After that, Optimus went to my uncovered body and told the others to follow him. They were confused at first but they didn't ask where they were going. They made it to the clearing with the little hut. They followed him into the hut, Optimus gave it to me to ratchet until he found the lever to the elevator, so he found the lever and pulled it. The bookshelf opened "get in" he said, They all got in Optimus pushed The T button. "Hold on," he said, "Why?" they asked the elevator shaking a little "That's why," Optimus said. They made it to the training room when Optimus started to the med bay the others followed him to the med bay. "RANNA!" Optimus said we'll run into the room. Ranna turned around to see me unconscious in his arms "What happened!?" she said "I don't know, all I know is that she got overwhelmed and started screaming in pain" he said. Ranna's eyes went wide "Everybody out except Optimus." as she pushed the rest of them out of the room and then shut the door "Put her on the bed." she said "Do you have a medical officer in your group," Ranna said, "Yes I do Ratchet, Why?" Optimus said. "I need him in here now," Ranna said he nodded and went to go get him to help her with Rebecca. A couple of minutes later Ratchet walked into the room. " Are you Ratchet?" Ranna asked, "I am, how can I help here?" He asked " Good, no time to explain. I need you to calm her down before something bad happens" Ranna said Ratchet pulled up a chair next to her bed and started to sing. Rebecca started to drift off to sleep. The last thing she saw was Optimus's face before she fell asleep.

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