Arthur POV

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     Another meaningless day passes by, as I sit at my favorite café and sip my favorite tea. I look around at the people nearby, and smirk at the fact that none of them know what I am, and if they did, they'd likely run screaming. Being a witch isn't easy, and the Angelic Knights of God make that point known.
Speaking of which, a few of the Knights march by on patrol. No one is allowed to partake in magic in this world, no one is allowed to be a witch. I learned that many years ago when the AKG destroyed my family home, separating me from all my brothers and my parents. Ever since then, I've been in and out of foster systems, getting into trouble and making mistakes. But now that I am 23, I seemed to have figured things out. Looking back at my past, however, one would think that's impossible.
     I turned my head up to the sky. The blue of it a stark contrast of the day I lost my family. The images of my house crumbling around me, the faces of my brothers flashing in my memory. I can never tell if I miss them or not. It's been 15 years since I've seen my family. I know none of them are dead, or at least they weren't last I knew, but I don't dare seek them out, out of fear that I'd put myself on the radar of the AKG. I know the stories of what happens when a Knight finds a witch. They are public executed, burned at the stake, and on the off chance one survives...
I shook my head. I didn't need to think of that. I had a life now, and I put my past behind me. I only used magic when necessary. Like now, after realizing my tea went cold. Very subtly, I whisper a spell under my breath and heat my tea. It's a small enough spell that no one would really notice; however, when I look up, someone is staring at me.
I make eye contact with them. A brunette in a red coat and stupid little hat. His eyes look brown but theres a peculiar hint of red in them. He doesn't look away. We stare at each for some time before he nonchalantly gets up and walks away, blending into the crowd.
"What are you staring at, mon ami?" A familiar French accent sounds behind me and I jump slightly.
"Hello, Francis, bout time you showed up." I glare at him. The bastard had the audacity to be twenty minutes late to our meeting.
     "Oui, I got held up at work, you know how it is." He pulled out a chair and sat down dramatically, placing an elbow of the table with a flip of his wrist and then resting his chin on his hand with a wink.
     "Bugger off, this is work," I sigh.
     "Oh, but on the contrary, speaking with you is never work, mon cher." Francis blew a kiss at me and I gagged.
     "Really laying it on thick with the flirting today, eh? What did you do this time,"
     Francis looked down dramatically. "Ah, you've caught me. Always so sharp, Arthur," his tone was laced with bad news and my body tensed up.
     "Go on and tell me already, you frog," I spat.
     He lifted his head but didn't turn to me. "My boss, he..." Francis sighed and looked at me with dis-appointment and regret. "The deal is off, unfortunately."
     "What?" I asked, stunned.
     He leaned back and put a hand to his head. "Alas, we can no longer see each other! Our love, it is forbidden!"
     "Shut up and tell me what's going on! What the blimey happened!" I slammed my hands on the table.
     Francis shrugged. "Business is tanking, my friend. The company is, how do you say, in the ditches?"
     "Trenches," I corrected.
     "Ah, oui, the trenches. We are losing money, and quick, I may lose my job; therefore, we will no longer be working with you. And I shall never see your lovely face again."
     Ignoring his last remark, I brought a hand to my mouth. I desperately needed that deal. What was I going to do now? How could Francis' business be shutting down?
     I chugged the rest of my tea and stormed off, leaving Francis alone at the café table. I could feel his sad stare lingering on my back as I disappeared into the hustle and bustle of the city.

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