Tobio's Girl. Timeskip 1

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Author's Notes:

I was on the fence about rating this. I decided to go with T, but be aware of the following warnings: There are mentions of sexual behavior and sexual behavior is implied. But nothing graphic or explicit. (If I should still rate it as M, please let me know.)This is a sequel to Tobio's Girl. It's definitely more josei than shoujo in the genre. After all, they are grown up now (if 20-somethings can be called grown-ups ^_^), and their problems have changed a bit too. It might be hard to fully engage with this if you don't know and like the first installment. If someone tries to do so, please let me know how it went.In all cases, please let me know how it was. I love reading your reviews and comments. I want more.


It was the VIII Annual Robotics Conference in Rome, October 2019. Giana Aliberici, a second-year student of the MSc program at Biorobotics Institute at Sant'Anna, was listening to her professor talking on the stage.

" ... Our first and foremost goal is to end all disability. And thanks to new developments in bionics, we're one step further on this road. Thank you for your time today."

Giana clapped her hands avidly with the rest of the audience.

"Thank you, Professor," the announcer was now speaking. "With this inspiring lecture, we end the official part of our conference. But if you still want to share ideas, you will have a chance to do so at our farewell banquet this evening. Thank you for your attention."

The audience started to disperse. Giana stood up from her chair and looked around.

"Giana, Giana..." Dino, one of her fellow students, waved at her. With a sigh, she came over to a group that formed around him.

"Good, you're here," he said, "and where's Reina? Wasn't she with you?"

"Reina was under the stage, taking pictures for the Institute's newsletter."

"Anyway. Listen, everybody. We're going out. I'm taking you all to party in the city. We cannot let such a chance go to waste."

"Wouldn't you rather attend the banquet?" Mario, one of their more serious friends, said. "It's a rare chance to mingle with some of the greatest minds—"

"Ummm... No, thank you," Dino interrupted him." We've been doing that for three days already. Oh, come on! We're in Rome! It's my city. I want to show our international colleagues places that no guidebook has been written about. Giana, you're in?"

Giana liked this idea. She's been trying to loosen up and live a little. "Ok, but I need to go and secure the prototype." She pointed at the stage.

"So let's do this. You go do your thing and get Reina. Then call me, and I'll let you know where we are." He turned around and stretched his arms around other students. "Alright, everybody. Avanti! The tour begins!"

Giana finished her duties and went to find Reina in the lobby, as they agreed in the meantime. She spotted her friend and stopped to look at her from afar. Reina was wearing a feminine dress in dark burgundy color. It was one of those flawless dresses: with a silhouette that accentuated her figure in just the right places while loose enough in others to be worn comfortably, with interesting details but not overdone, so you could be both casual and formal with it. It made Reina look neat and professional at the conference, but now, paired with a vintage biker jacket and utterly fabulous high-heeled ankle boots, it gave off a completely different vibe. It was a wacky combination that should never work, and yet... Reina pulled it off. Along with her delicate features and the storm of her long black hair let loose, it was such a beautiful motley of contrasts that it just made you stop and stare. Reina turned heads wherever she went. Even now just sitting at the hotel bar with a glass of sparkling water, apathetically watching some volleyball game on the bar TV. An enigma that men couldn't help wanting to solve. Well, too bad for them.

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