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Reina stepped outside the club, gasping for breath. She wished for the cold night air to calm her down. But it was not enough. She couldn't handle it at all.

"Reina, wait! Let's talk!" Kageyama came out after her. Just hearing that deep, familiar voice...

She turned away from him and started walking away. She could hear him following. Calm down! Just calm down, dammit! It was all too much. First catching that random volleyball match, then talking about him. It woke in her feelings she most carefully locked away and rigidly practiced not to think about. Seeing him in person was just too much. She thought she would never see him again. She fought the temptation to look back. But I can't! Not yet! She mustn't give him the satisfaction of knowing what he made her feel. He didn't deserve that. She focused all her might on remembering how casually he tossed her away three years ago. Only then did she stop and turn back to him.

"Why are you here?!" she asked angrily.

"I came to find you," he said with a disarming look in his eyes. It was so unbearable to see him from up close like this. He looked good too, unusually so...

"Wait... Why are you wearing a suit?" A weird thing to wonder about considering the situation, but still. Since when was Tobio Kageyama known for hanging out in hipster clubs wearing a fancy casual suit? In Rome? Does not compute.

"What?! Umm... What do you think my sister did when she learned I'm going to Italy, 'the land of style' or whatever?"

"Miwa-san bought you a suit?"

"She bought me three."

Makes sense... No, it doesn't! "Why are you here?!"

"I... I needed to see you... Um... I need you... I mean, there's something I need to ask you." Tobio was struggling. "Damn, I should have thought over what to say, but when I learned that you're nearby—"

"Stop. You said that you came here to find me?"


"But how did you where to look?" Her brain was still catching up on little incomprehensible details, ignoring her emotional turmoil. It was all too surreal.

"Yoshida. I asked her for help."

"Eri?! That traitor! She was the one that was pushing me to get as far away from Japan and from you as I could."

"Oh, she wasn't willing. It took me weeks of begging before she agreed to share any info about you."

"So? Why are you here?"

"I... I...just..." He reached his hand toward her, but then he pulled it back." I know that we broke up, but—"

"Oh, WE broke up?! Like WE have decided it together? You left me! With no warning! And without the slightest attempt to try to make it work. Over the phone!" She was worried that she would fall apart because of him, but she was getting fired up instead. Oh yes, she had things to say to him. A lot of things.

"I'm sorry. It was a mistake. But you were so upset that day because of me, and it wasn't the first time I messed things up... I just didn't want you to feel that way because of me anymore."

"Upset? Oh, let me inform you then that you failed miserably. Those few times you made me mildly upset while we were together don't even compare to how upset I was when you left me like that. It wouldn't fit on the same scale even. I was upset for months. I'm still upset when I think about it. And don't give me shit about 'that day.' I pondered about it long enough to realize that you had decided to dump me the moment you changed clubs. At least have the decency to admit that!"

Haikyuu!! Tobio's Girl. TimeskipWhere stories live. Discover now