Chapter 4

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I woke up being groggy~

It was a FINE Sunday, that means i need to meet up with Minah and go to church later evening.

I ate breakfast and took a bath and changed clothes and left.

Minah told me to meet up with her in this cafe.She said it was nice to stay there for awhile, She wanted me to treat a Iced Coffee, so i took her offer.


I arrived in the cafe and saw Minah waving~

I went to our table and there was my favorite kind of Iced Coffee

"Hey~ Thanks Minah~" i said to her taking a sip

"No Problem Ji~" she said taking sip of hers too

"So what do you want to do today~?" i asked

"Oh, do you want to check out the newest magic shop, just from across the street~?" she asked

"Hey~ isn't that too childish~?" i asked

"Hey~ We are still young you know, we are only women in our 20's" she said in a convincing manner

I rolled my eyes in amusement

"Well, it wouldn't hurt visiting a childish magic store right~?" i asked

"Yeah~ It wouldn't hurt a tinnie tiny bit Ji~" she said

"Well, okay, let's go~" i said

And so we went to the magic store from across the street.


"Waaah~" Minah said in amaze

The magic store had LOOOTS of gizmos and charms and magic stuff, i guess they are fake huh?

I looked each stall and saw a charm which was cheap.

It said that this will bring me luck~

Well, i wanted a i brought it, you know, maybe it'll bring me good luck.

"What did you buy~?" Minah asked handing the cashier the money.

"Oh, this charm." i said

"Miss, you get a free charm, but this one is rare.This limited." the cashier said

"Limited~?" Minah said

"Yes, limited, this charm is highly recommended for people who are mostly good at dreaming.." the cashier said

"Dreaming~?" i said

"Well, Eunji, is great at dreaming she can see her dream clearly." Minah said

"Well, this charm is for you." the cashier said

"This can make you travel through your dreams.Each owner of this has a guardian beside. It'll instruct and guide you through your path...But take note, if you lose this in your dream, you might never....EVER wake up from your dream,unless you find it.Wish if you want to travel through,chant it loudly to see clearly." the cashier said and gave the charm to me.

"Well...thanks tho~." i said

"Yeah~ Thanks~" Minah said

We left the store, leaving me sarcastically amused.

"Well that was childish~ Don't you think~?" i asked

"Well, you'll never prove that's childish if you don't try." Minah said

"Well....atleast i'll try." Minah said


I went to church that evening.

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