Consequences be damned he said! Blowing caution to wind he said!

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Flashforward to that weekend. There we (outfit 43) all were. The sun was shinning mom and Bella and Jess were sun tanning. Jack Edward and I were inside happy to be inside out of the heat and sun and happy to watch the girls outside in the warmth. While Jake sun bathed in his wolf form like a big domesticated dog. Don't get me wrong he's still very wild and we would expect nothing more but there he was laying under the shade soaking up the sun relaxing. Jack was also enjoying himself relaxing indoors since he never gets to visit the warm places because of who he is. But Edward and I we couldn't help but to smile at the sight.

Aren't you going to miss this? Mom asked Bella. As they relaxed. When they started talking instead of relaxing Jess got up and got her bag out. It was a nice warm sunny day a beautiful day to play fetch in a big green backyard. Jake? Jessica called as his ears perked up. JT: What? I'm relaxing Jess. Oh yeah after what? Come play with me you big baby. It's a beautiful day. Fine let me know when you're ready and we'll play. Fine but first.... Jessica cast a spell around the house so that she could do whatever she wanted and no one would have to know there was a wild wolf playing like a dog in the neighbors backyard couldn't have that.

Perfect. Do you remember that spell that Jade and I were trying to teach you? The one to get smaller so that we could play with your little dog toys? Then yes. And then I heard a calling whistle. Jade? She called again in sing song just like she had with Jake. Come 'ere. Go on. Edward nudged me. So I went out and transformed. And then shrunk down to an a normal dog size. VS my werewolf size. And of course in doing so our personalities switched to their more playful modes. So we played with a ball for some time then rolled it around in a circle for a few mins and then she felt we were probably board with that one so she got out one of those tug a war toys for us to chew on and let us have at it. While she sat and watched.

And meanwhile while we were playing mom and Bella were talking. I'm just saying colleges here in FL are a lot sunnier. If you go to the college out in Alaska I'll never see you. Mom you know that's just what we'd have to normally tell people? I could still see you all the time. I have a sister that teleports and a friend that's a witch who can pretty much do whatever she wants especially including turning wild animals into playful dogs. She laughed. Also Jack Farrah/Jade's boyfriend he gave Edward a snow globe portal thing from North for their birthday so it will take us wherever we want whenever we want. We can still see each other all the time. Ok yeah I guess I just had to get that in there. Speaking of. What about you Jacob? How have you been what have you been up to? It's always good to see you. You as well Renee. Always a pleasure.

Keeping out of trouble? She asked him. We all laughed at that. Now fully transformed back as Jack and Edward stood in the doorway between the house and the outside. Jack I can cast that spell on you again and then you could join us. Edward Renee doesn't care if you're a vampire also she knows what we all are. Force of habit I guess. Join us you look as pale as a ghost. Very funny. There's plenty of shade. Mom reminded him. And so we all hung out outside. Jade come 'ere. Edward motioned me over. We sat in the shade Jack next to us. Jessica laying against Jake. So what have you all been up to? She asked again. Well Jake asked for your brother in law's blessing should he want to be one of us and dad said yes. Bella also got it from them. We shouldn't had been as surprised as we were at Jake's response.

Also he wants just us 3 to call him Jordan since we shared a second life together before this one. We got Jade back to her old self after Aro dot dot dot. We shared the story of how Jake and I met to the rest of the family. We have magic tattoos on us now the 4 of us. They say Reincarnation Squad on them. My sister says we're squad goals. He rolls his eyes. But as you know already these two are insane. Wanting to be like us. It surprised all of us that Edward seemed to do most of the talking. But after some time of sitting there talking Jessica and Jacob who was back in his werewolf form fell asleep basking in the warmth of the sun and Jack leaned against me while Edward played with my hair putting me to sleep. He tried not to pay attention to what they were talking about.

Forever a mystery part 4: We'll get her back for youWhere stories live. Discover now