Chapter 7

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Warning: This part gets heated fast. 

Four months later

Texas can't help but moan softly as Louisiana runs a hand over his chest. He has been trying to get to bed but apparently his boyfriends had other plans.
Louie kisses him roughly again, probably in a feeble attempt to quiet him.
Florida continues to run his hands along his side and hips then starts sucking a hickey just below his collar bone causing Texas' knees to go weak
Louie's hand slides up his ass causing him to gasp and inadvertently let his boyfriend's tongue explore his mouth. As Florida continues attacking his neck with kisses and love bites, Texas doesn't know how he is still standing.
Louie pulls away slightly and Texas gulps in air. The cajun has a wicked grin on his face as he slides his knee towards Texas' groin. A throaty moan fills the room as he jerks his hips trying to get some much needed friction. His head falls back onto Florida's shoulder. He is practically holding Texas up at this point anyway.
"Do you need something Texas?" Florida whispers in his ear. He can barely manage a whine in response.
"I think we might have broken him sha."
Texas can practically hear them smirking at each other.
He bucks his hips again, trying for any relief he can get. The action brings both his boyfriends' full attention back to him.
"Off." He mumbles as he reaches out to try and undo the buttons of Louie's shirt with shaky hands. Said boyfriend is smiling as he reconnects their lips pulling another moan from Texas. Florida settles his attack on Texas' neck, instead focusing on holding up most of his weight as Louie pulls more soft moans from him.
Somehow nothing good ever seems to last for Texas. "Hey Texas, have you heard? I'm almost beating your-" The door opens and all three of them look over to see Oklahoma gobsmaked.
Texas can only stand frozen while the gears turn in the other southerner's head. "What the fuck?" Almost as quickly as it was opened the door is slammed shut.
Texas can't breath. The world starts to become burning. His arms feel heavy. His ears are full of sand.
Someone says something but he can't process it. Then hes moving, a hand on his shoulder guiding him to sit down. It doesn't feel like he is in his own body. Everything is fuzzy.


"What the fuck." Oklahoma slams the door shut and the sound of his footsteps heads towards the living room. Never rely on Florida to lock a door behind him.
"Shit." Florida swears. Louie turns to see pure terror in both his boyfriends' faces.
"That wasn't good." Louie admits.
Texas doesn't even move. He just stands frozen staring at the door. Florida seems to notice it too cause he guides the cowboy over to his bed and gets him to sit down.
Louie lets Florida take the lead on this one. Having been dating him longer, they both know the chaos state has a better idea of how to handle Texas right now.
"Hey, look at me." Florida pulls gently on Texas' chin. He barely seems to recognize someone is talking to him. "Breath with me." Florida puts Texas' hand on his own chest and starts to do breathing exercises with him, regardless of weather he is following along or not.
In an attempt not to be useless, Louie sots down behind Texas and wraps his arms around his waist. He makes no acknowledgement of the touch. Its like he didn't even notice it.
Thankfully, Texas starts to relax into his arms and follow along with Florida's breathing.
"Are you back?" Florida asks softly. Texas just nods in response.
"Do you want us to leave you alone?" Louie asks. he desperately hopes boyfriend doesn't say yes. He really doesn't want to leave him right now.
"No." Texas gather some stuff for a moment before pulling away from Louie slightly. "Thats wasn't how I was planning to come out." The laugh that follows is pained.
"We'll make it." Florida says. The forced optimism in his voice is obvious. "They were going to find out anyway." Florida's voice breaks a little at the end.
they had talked about going public but I've never gotten too far with the conversation. The only thing they had agreed on was that they weren't ready.
"We can figure it out in the morning." Louisiana says. They fight him on it for a minute but neither of them can ignore how much the whole thing is exhausted them and soon there all cuddled up fast asleep.

"Did you hear about the drama?" New York asks.
"Getting outed like that would suck." Cali responds. by the time New York joins Cali at the island for breakfast the entire state has heard about Florida, Louisiana and Texas. though Cali hasn't yet found out the details of the encounter, he does know that Oklahoma be knocking on doors before opening them from now on.
"Knew Texas isn't straight." New York jokes.
"Hes too hot to be straight." Cali's comment causes his boyfriend to choke on his eggs.
"Does someone have a crush." New York teases. Now it's California's turn to choke.
They had talked about states they wouldn't mind in bed over a bottle of whiskey a while ago and Cali's dumb crush came up. New York has been teasing him relentlessly about it ever since.
"Well now we know hes not strictly monogamous." Cali mentions.
New York gives him a blank look.
"Are you going to tell me you've never thought about asking Florida out?" California asks.
"Are you suggesting we-" New York doesn't have to finish the sentence.
"Just an idea." California rests a hand on his boyfriend's arm in an attempt to comfort him. "We don't even have to consider anything you don't want to do."
"I'll think about it." New York says.
California can't help but give him a peck on the cheek.
"Umm" They both spin around quickly to see Oklahoma looking at them with wide eyes. He quickly runs out of the kitchen, food forgotten. The couple turns to each other. New York looks amused and California shrugs. Its their fault for acting couply in the kitchen.

"Nothings going to change right?" Florida asks Louie. Florida is sitting on the end of the bed, talking to his boyfriends whos leaning against the desk. Texas is still fast asleep, worn out from the events of the day.
"It'll be ok." Louie says, trying to comfort him. "Theres no reason anything should have to change."
Florida looks over to there sleeping partner. His hair shields his face but Florida can see that even in his sleep he looks tense.
"He better nit try to push us away." Florida says causing Louie to give him a questioning look. "When things get to be too much for him he locks himself up." Florida takes a deep breath. "When he found out you knew about us dating he barely acknowledged me for three days."
"How'd you get him to snap out of it?" Louie asks.
"I locked him in a closet with me that time but the best way is to keep him from starting." Florida closes his eyes and takes a deep breath. Its going to be a rough couple if days and he knows it.
"Hey." Louie envelopes Florida in his arms letting his head fall into the crook of Louie's neck. "We'll take care if him. It'll be ok."

DC is sure to get to the meeting room early. Its always good to make sire things are prepped before the states arrive.
Like everyone else in the house he heard about the newest relationship. He didn't know what to feel when he did. On one hand hes quite happy the group found each other. On the other hand there is some kind of jealousy he can't seem to place. He quickly pushes that thought away though. Emotions can be processed later, or better yet, never.
The meeting is scheduled for noon so the government ensures that snacks are spread around the table. Nothing gets the states in a rotten mood like hunger.
California and New York come in together which surprises DC. California is almost always early, usually to a ridiculous degree New York on the other hand is almost always late He never seen the two come in together before.
By a quarter after twelve enough states are settled around the table to start the meeting. "California we'll start with you."
California starts giving an update on his state but for some reason DC can't seem to focus. It could have something to do with the hickey peaking out from just under Cali's collar. A little bit of jealousy but mostly curiosity keep the government personification from being able to retain a single word that is being said to him the entire meeting.
He'll just have to get over this dumb crush obviously. There is no way he could let a relationship undermine his job.

So I guess I should admit that I forgot about this fic for a few months again and I make no promises that it wont happen again cause i have a busy schedule and writing is for fun and shouldn't be time regulated like that for me. 

Words: 1568

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 13, 2022 ⏰

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