chapter eight | hey bestie, what's up?

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"Rain!" Sandy exclaimed when they entered the house. He ran over to them, and pulled them into a tight embrace. "Thank goodness you're safe."

"That's an understatement," Rain mumbled into his neck. They pulled away, and shared a quick kiss. Then, Rain laughed and ruffled Sandy's hair. "I love you."

"Wait...Sandy? Is that really you?" Benny said suddenly, interrupting the moment. "You and Dean live together?"

Sandy stopped laughing and looked startled. "Benny! I haven't seen you in ages!"

"Wait," Dean said. "You two know each other?"

"Yeah, we helped each other out a while ago," Benny said. He stepped forward. "It's good to see you again."

The two shared a quick hug.

"We should all go out, catch up," Dean suggested.

"I want to sleep," Rain said.

"Me too," Aria agreed.

"Okay, then me, Sandy, Benny, and Cas can go."

"No, I think I'll stay here as well," Cas said. "You know, keep watch."

"Okay," Benny said. "I'll tag along, Dean."

"Well, they say two's company, three's a crowd," Sandy said. "But I always say one's company, two's a crowd, and three's a party."

Dean just stared at him. "What?"

"It's an Andy Warhol quote," Rain laughed. "We used to say it a lot when we all first started dating."

"Oh, awesome," Dean said. "Well, we should get going."


The boy at the counter had a mop of brown hair that sorta reminded Dean of Sam's when he'd just pulled him away from college. Except, this kid's was much more curly.

"What can I get you?" he asked.

"Uh, you got any beer?" Dean asked.

"No, this is a bakery," the boy pointed out. "We've got bread, cakes, cookies, pies, and a bunch of other pastries."

"Do you have coffee?" Dean asked. He hadn't actually tried coffee since he'd turned, but maybe it would be alright.

"Yes, sir. We do," he said. "Would you like anything specific?"

"I'll take a coffee, then," Dean said. He turned to Benny and Sandy. "You guys want anything?"

"No, thanks," Benny said.

Sandy shook his head.

"Well, I guess that's it." Dean pulled out some cash and slid it across the counter. "Keep the change."

"Uh, okay. By the way, we close in thirty minutes," the boy said.

Dean waited for his coffee, and they went and claimed the booth in the corner.

"Why don't we just go to a bar instead?" Benny asked.

"Because it's quieter here," Dean said.

"Are you actually going to drink that?" Sandy asked, referring to the coffee.

It was still super hot, but Dean took a sip. He had to plug his nose to dull out the taste. "Yeah, it's just really strong, just like everything else."

"You might feel sick later," Benny pointed out.

"Not gonna happen," Dean said. "Anyway, care to explain how you're alive?"

Benny's expression lightened. "I would if I could."

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