chapter fifteen | nine to five

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The day of the interview came, and Dean thought he made a pretty damn good impression. But, as night fell, he began to worry.

"You know, sixty-six percent of interviews are successful. That means two out of three people get the job," Aria said, and curled up on the couch beside him. "At least, that's what I told myself. Look at me now!"

He glanced over at her. "Aren't you supposed to be at your own job?"

"Yeah, my boss is pretty angry with me, but I promised Rain I'd take them to see Rowena. Sandy went too, I think moreso as a means of protection rather than because he wanted to see what the whole cure thing was about. Anyway, I left because Sam wouldn't shut up about vampire lore." She sighed and ran a tired hand over her face. "Where's Cas?"

"I think he's mad at me."


"Something happened a couple of nights ago," Dean said. "Apparently, if I continue to drink his blood it'll end up killing me."

Screw what happens in the blanket fort, stays in the blanket fort. He needed to tell someone, or it was gonna be like purgatory all over again. And this time, he was done with keeping secrets.

"Yikes, you probably shouldn't drink his blood then."

Dean deadpanned. "Yeah, I get that."

"If that's the case, then I don't really see what the problem is."

"I still want it," Dean confessed.

"Oh. Well, addicts still want what they're addicted to, even in recovery," Aria pointed out.

"I'm not addicted to it," Dean said. "It's more like...a craving."

"Okay, so? Just because I'm always craving pizza and Oreos doesn't mean that's what I'm always eating."

"You were literally eating Oreos earlier. I saw you."

"Well, that...that's different," Aria stuttered. "I'm not gonna die from eating Oreos. You, on the other hand..."

"You're not helping," Dean said, turning away and going back to his laptop. He refreshed his email again.

"I don't think they're going to send the email at two in the morning," Aria pointed out in a singsong voice.

"They might."

Sighing, Aria gently shut the laptop. "I have a strange request."

Dean looked intrigued. "What?"

"Okay, so, I've been working on a new routine," Aria said, and got up. She went upstairs and came back with a box and a pair of heels. "Normally I have Sandy judge, but he's not here and sometimes I think he's a bit biased. He's not as bad as Rain, though. They're like, literally a cheerleader. Now, come help me set this up."

"Um, is that a pole?" Dean asked, standing hesitantly.

Aria dumped the box out onto the ground. The metal pieces changed together as they fell. "Yeah, obviously."

"You can just buy those?"

"Yeah, I got it off of eBay for eighty dollars. The person selling it fell and broke their arm and decided that's where their pole dancing journey should end."

"They put all of that in the listing?"

"Mhm." She started sorting everything. "Go get a stool, or, I don't know, something to stand on."

After that, it only took them around thirty minutes to set it up.

The tall heels Aria slipped on definitely didn't go with the casual shorts and sports bra she had on.

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