Shifting and a Promise

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Melissa had howled with laughter when Sarah told her what had happened.  She waited until her friend had drunk a full cup of coffee before telling her.  Melissa wagged her finger at her as she continued to chuckle, "Leave it to you to piss Kakashi off!  Damn, bitch, you got a death wish or something?"

Sarah glowered at her, "It wasn't like I tried to piss him off.  It's not my fault I didn't recognize him until you added to that picture."

Her friend snickered, "I have a feeling you'll piss him off a lot.  You're a brat and brats always piss off their Doms."

She rolled her eyes at her, "What makes you think I'm a brat that way?  I've never dated since you've known me."

"It's all over your stories, dumbass!  How many times in your little fantasies have you pissed him off?  That's about as real as it will be once he gets ahold of you."

Sarah couldn't help the twitch of her lips.  Yeah, she did have a way of pissing people off.  She just had too much sass and too big of a mouth sometimes.  She rarely was able to keep her mouth shut, especially if she felt like she was pressed into a corner.  God knows she had gotten her ass beat by her ex-stepfather a number of times by not being able to keep her mouth shut.  Even with someone as dangerous as him, something inside her wouldn't let her back down.  Her lips tugged down a bit when she thought about why Kakashi was upset.

"I really hurt his feelings, Melissa," she finally said softly.  "That makes my heart hurt thinking that he was upset.  I couldn't hear what was being said but what I could see, I could tell he was upset.  When he was walking... I had the impression that he might have already been a little drunk then."

Melissa made a face and shook her head, "You better figure out a way to sooth those wolf hairs down or you might end up losing that connection you got."

Sarah groaned, "God, I thought you might say that."  She tapped her lips as she thought long and hard.  "I've got to shift, it's the only way I can do that."

"Then stop making it complicated and do it already," Melissa huffed.

Sarah tapped her leg for a long time before a thought came to her.  "Maybe I've made the DR too complicated."

"What are you going on about now?" Melissa asked as she rested her head on her hand.  Her head was killing her, especially after laughing as hard as she had just done.

"I'm going to re-write the script," Sarah said with a nod before getting up and going to her friend's desk.  There was no lack of notebooks and pens.  She grabbed one that was smaller in size, then a blue pen from the holder before going back to the couch to sit down.  She tapped the pen to her lips as she tried to think of something that would be simple.  "I got it!  I'm going to write that Kakashi is in his bedroom reading.  It's raining hard outside, keeping him from going out.  It will be in the morning... say around ten-thirty.  He'll be listening to music while he reads... Enya... yeah he'll be listening to Enya."

"Whoa, wait a minute.  Enya is from our world, dumbass."

"This is the DR, her music can be there.  Besides, that's what I use to try to focus and I think it will mess me up if the sounds from this world overpower the ones from there."

Melissa stared at her and chuckled, "Damn, you really need to do something about your overthinking."

Sarah flipped her off, earning a cackle before turning back to what she had written.  "Okay... so I'll just appear next to him and that should do it.  Whatever happens after, happens.  Simple and easy.  Even I can keep that many details in my mind."

Melissa rolled her eyes, "I really hope you fucking do shift because you're going to make me crazy until you do... by the way, I met up with Iruka again last night."

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