Guilty Pleasures

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Kai — He likes to read Kai x Reader fanfictions "Just to see how accurate they are". In reality, he's flattered and honored that people like him enough to make them, and he reads them because he likes the idea of people liking him so much. In a way he thinks it's weird, but in another it's sorta cool to him...

Nya — She's a huge Warrior Cats fan and is super embarrassed about it, but she adores the book series TO DEATH. She gets teased by all the Ninja because they say it's childish and she should read adult books, but even though she's embarrassed, she doesn't dream of giving up reading the books. She hides them away in her closet and if anyone finds them, she can defend herself by saying they shouldn't have been going through her closet in the first place.

Cole — He writes songs and poems. Even though they're fantastic, he doesn't share them with anyone because he gets embarrassed, and the only occasion he's ever done so was with Jay and only with Jay. Jay has begged for Cole to share more of his stuff ever since. Cole refuses.

Lloyd — He draws ship art from his favorite fandoms, and then screenshots the pieces, then looks through all his fanart before bed. Nobody has ever been allowed to freely look through Lloyd's photos.

Jay — You know those little car things with the really hard uncomfortable seats, the super-hard-to-use pedals, and the steering wheels that break all the time? If there's ever one he can possibly fit into, he drives around in it and has a fantastic time. Most of the time, he crashes them and breaks them.

Zane — He enjoys looking at Pixane ship art. I mean seriously he loves it. It gives him hope. One time, he and Lloyd secretly made a deal, and in exchange for the box of Sour Patch Kids Zane owned, he asked Lloyd to make him a picture. The deal was struck, kept, and never spoken of again.

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