The Beginning

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Dean yelled, "Duck!"

The woman ducked and Dean shot the shapeshifter.

"Are you okay?" he asked.

She nodded and stood. "Yeah. Thanks. Where's my gun?"

"Do you remember where you lost it?"

"If I did, I wouldn't be asking." She walked around and noticed her gun on the other side of the room. "I hate when that happens. Thank you again. I'm Lana Idrissi."

"Dean Winchester."

She frowned slightly, then said, "John Winchester's your dad? Wow. So I'm standing near the son of a legend."

Dean chuckled and shrugged. "I don't know about that."

"No, it's true."

"Can I treat you to dinner or a cup of coffee?"

"Usually I make a possible date wait, but you did save my life. So why not."

"You got a ride, Lana?"

"Sort of. My car's an old junker. It's either fix it up or sell it."

"Why don't we grab somethin' to eat and I can take a look at it."

"It's an old car. I don't know what you'll be able to do."

"I'd like to think I'm pretty good at fixing up cars."

"It was a junker when I got it. So if you're able to fix it, you'd be a wizard."

The two made their way to a diner and Lana ordered a plate of fries and ketchup, which Dean found amusing.

"So tell me about yourself," Dean said.

Lana shrugged. "I'm a hunter, like yourself."

The two continued conversing as they made their way back to Lana's car, which was in a rather poor state.

They decided to let it remain, to gather rust as it'd be countless hours to fix and Lana didn't feel an attachment to the car anyway.

From then on, Lana and Dean traveled highways and towns, ridding the world of one supernatural threat at a time.

Their friendship soon turned to love and Dean proposed to her shortly after they found out Lana was pregnant.

They married as she was just starting to show. It was a simple courthouse wedding, but not one the two would trade for the world.

And here is where their story begins.

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