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September 18th, 2008, 4:30 AM

Lana walked up to Bobby and shook him.

Bobby woke with a yawn. "What is it?"

"Can you take me to the hospital?"

Bobby nodded. "Sure." He went to get a sleeping Rose and helped Lana into his car.

They drove to Sioux Falls General and Lana was wheeled away.

Rose woke to find herself in the waiting room and rubbed her eyes with a frown. "Why are we here? Is Mommy okay?"

Bobby smiled. "Your mom is just fine. You're gonna meet your little brother or sister soon."

Rose smiled widely. "I can't wait! I'm gonna be the bestest sister ever."

"I know you are."

Several hours later, a doctor walked in with a smile. "You can go see her if you'd like."

"Is my baby okay?" Rose asked in a serious tone. "And Mommy?"

"Your mom and the baby are just fine."

Rose grabbed Bobby's hand and the doctor led them to Lana's room.

Lana smiled when she saw her daughter. "Hi, Ro. Do you want to meet your sister?"

"I have a little sister?" Rose asked with a wide smile. "I have a baby sister!"

"Yeah, baby, you do."

"Daddy's not gonna know her."

"No, honey, he won't. But we'll tell her all about Daddy."

"Yeah. Mommy, what's her name?"

"Hana Dalilah."

"I like it."

Bobby smiled at the little family. "Congrats, Lana. She's beautiful."

Lana nodded, looking down at her newborn daughter. "She looks so much like Dean."

Little did any know what would happen mere hours later.

Hana Dalilah:

Hana Dalilah:

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