Nearly caught by your daughter.

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"I'm kinda tired from the concert baby..." Your wife groaned from her place on your bed.

"It's okay, just relax, i'll do all the work." You murmured whilst running your hands through your hair and straddling her lap.

Lauren moaned and rested her head against the soft pillow, whilst grasping at your hips.

You retaliated by running your hands up her body and resting them against her abs. Then, you leant down and kissed a trail down her neck.

"You're so sexy." She mumbled, now slightly panting.


You continued the motions, kissing every part of her skin, leaning over her and resting on your forearms.

"Please." She whispered, desire in her eyes.

You nodded slowly, then lowered yourself down so that you were hovering over her abdomen and core, before grasping at her thighs.

She rested her hands against your shoulders, urging you to lower further as you slowly removed her sweatpants.

The sound of her soft moans filled the bedroom, when you removed the clothing fully and attached your mouth to her body again.


Just as you were kissing a trail over her soft skin, you heard the rattling of the door handle.

Suddenly, the bedroom door burst open and the pattering sound of tiny footsteps came closer.
"Mama! Mommy!"

"Shit!" You whispered, quickly jumping up from under the blanket and sitting up right next to your wife.

You threw the blanket back over Lauren's legs as she quickly pulled her sweatpants back up over the exposed skin.

"Mama?" Ava's little voice could be heard again.

"Hi baby girl." You exclaimed, kinda out of breath.

"What was you doing under the blanket?" She replied with a confused expression as she stood at the side of the bed.

You quickly looked between her and Lauren, whilst nervously running your hands through your hair. How was you going to explain this to your 5 year old. "I was uh- uhm-"

"Mama was checking my leg baby girl. I hit my leg at the concert and I got a boo boo, mama was just making sure that it was okay." Lauren quickly saved.

"Oh."..."is she okay mama?"

"Yeah everything's good."..."is everything good with you munchkin?" You replied, worried because Ava looked slightly upset.

"Can I pwease sleep in here with you and mommy? I was scared mama, I don't like the dark."

"Aw of course darling, come on, jump up." Laur cooed to your little girl, tapping the space between the pair of you. "You're safe mija."

Ava scurried over and jumped into the middle, instantly cuddling into your side.

"Your comfy mama." She squealed, throwing her arm around your waist and you chuckled at her little voice.


Your wife wrapped her arms around the both of you, shuffling closer to hold you in her embrace. Ava yawned as Lauren pressed a kiss against your lips, then a kiss to Ava's head.

Then your daughter slightly turned her head to face your wife.

"I hope your leg feels better mommy."

Lauren just looked to you over Ava's head and smirked, as you held in a laugh.

She started to chuckle and then pressed another kiss against Ava's soft hair. "Thank you princess."

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