G!p (part 2)

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The next morning

You stirred awake from your peaceful sleep, and turned slightly in Lauren's bunk to see her cuddled into your side.

"Good morning." Lauren said in her husky tone, waking you up and snuggling further into your chest.

"Morning darling." You replied sleepily, kissing the top of her head. "What time is it?"

"7.30" She replied with a yawn, kissing the side of your jaw lovingly.

The bunk fell silent again as you traced random shapes against the top of her arm, and she hummed a random tune.

"Brad better apologise to you today." She murmured, lifting her head up to you.

"Can we just forget about it princess?"

She was about to protest, but then saw your look of exhaustion. "Of course babe." You heard her reply.

"I'm just going to ignore them, I'm not going to give that prick any more of my time."..."You're my beautiful girlfriend and I have the girls, that's all that matters to me."..."Plus, this is your tour and I'm not going to let them little creeps ruin it."


A few minutes later, you sat up as best as you could as Lauren ran her fingers through her wild bed hair. "Shall we get breakfast?" She suggested, before planting a tender kiss against your waiting lips.

"Sure." You replied happily, and followed her out of the bunk.

You felt pretty nervous to see how the girls would react like this morning, and your girlfriend felt your nerves too. She entwined her hand in yours and laced your fingers together, before shooting you her famous smile.

The pair of you walked into the kitchen area, expecting the girls to have a thousand and one questions about yesterday. However you were relieved when everything felt completely normal.

"Morning y/s/n (yourshipname)" Normani greeted with a smile, from her seat at the table.

"G'morning losers." Dinah added, making you chuckle, and also feel more comfortable.

"Good morning guys."

"Where are the girls?" Lauren quizzed, looking around for the missing singers.

"Oh Ally and Camila said that they were going out for an hour, god knows what for though." Dinah replied from her place on the sofa.

You looked to the screen to see Dinah playing a game of Call of Duty. "You're playing the xbox at this time in the morning?" You quizzed, watching as she cursed inwardly at the screen.

She paused the game and looked upto you with a huge smile. "Wanna play?"

"Sure!"..."Be prepared for me to win though." You replied with a smirk, moving to sit next to the Polynesian.

"Don't you want breakfast?" Your girlfriend spoke up.

"I'll just play one game babe" you answered, returning your attention back to the controller and game.

Little did you know, Lauren was still kinda on edge about Dinah's comment yesterday and felt slightly jealous.

So when you declined her offer, the brunette sighed and went to make herself some cereal and juice.

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