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[ TW // mentions of alcohol ]


"DUDE DON'T TELL ME YOU'RE TOGETHER AGAIN." sooyoung-unnie exclaimed when me and jinsoul entered the party.

it's a bit absurd to admit this but we just realized that we're going to the same place. i just thought about jinsoul being close with my friends too.

"oh pussy."

"oh yeah? don't tell me you're already drunk." jinsoul spitted back. they mockingly teased each other.

i left and saw my girls looking mischievously at me, "what?"

hyunjin went beside me, bumping her elbow on mine, "what? what is that? why are you with jinsoul-unnie? huh? huh?"

"girls please not with these again. she just offered to drop me wherever i'm going but it turns out we're going the same place." i explained but the girls are still laughing and looking at me with tease.



"okay, motherfuckers!" sooyoung-unnie shouted with the curse which caught everybody's attention.

"we will have a little game! not a sex game though, but yeah! who wants 12,000 won?" she added.

almost all of us in the room immediately raised our hands up. i mean, oh shit who dislikes money?

"me, unnie me please!" i excitingly said. everybody giggled at my energetic presence. even jinsoul.

"are you sure?"

"yes yes."

"the challenge is this," sooyoung-unnie started to instructed but i'm a bit confused because while she's saying the mechanics, she's pouring some alcohol in shot glasses.

"you need to drink all of these in one sitting."

and that is when my emotions fell. what the fuck am i about to do for 12000 won?


"you don't have any diseases right?" she asked me.

"oh yeah, i don't."

that is when sooyoung-unnie informed me, "this is about 20 shot glasses and you need to drink all of these, are you up?'

"yes, i will do it." i tried to sound as confident as i could, hiding the fact that i'm no alcoholic drinker.

i started to take one down and oh my lord it's throat burning but i can handle it. everyone was cheering for me so i have to be good with this.

i took the second, third, fourth, fifth, sixth and seventh shot. then, i felt my head getting heavy.

the last thing i remembered is that i fell on someone behind me and that person catched me.


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