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"that's enough". a familiar voice sad at y/n's face.

after drinking that amount of substance, y/n's body can't take it. she's healthy yet she's not alcoholic and jinsoul knows this.

from the moment y/n accepted the challenge, she tried to look for a spot closer as possible to y/n. she knew she will pass out because of this.

after five shots, jinsoul noticed how lumpy y/n became. "she's still so weak." she thought.

when y/n is about to collapse, jinsoul is already behind her.


y/n sloppily opened her eyes and realized she's in someone's arms while resting on their chest.

there are noises of panicking and she's aware of that but her ears only focused on the person who catched her.

she looked up and saw jinsoul's face. she's indeed drunk but that face has been tattooed in her heart for two years, well maybe until now.

jinsoul stroked her blonde hair to the back of her head and in y/n's shock, her ex suddenly hugged her but she got no time to give a reaction. she felt so safe in her arms.

"permission to leave guys, i'm just gonna uh.. bring her to my car," jinsoul told everybody, "oh and don't think there's something going on with us i'm just helpin-"



"are you okay?" jinsoul softly said, slightly wiping y/n's sweat off of her forehead.

as y/n is placed inside the car, at the backseat to be specific, she's still holding onto jinsoul's arm as of that moment. jinsoul wants to let go of her but can't, she is maybe holding very tight.

back to the story, the blonde girl didn't got an answer from her ex, instead a whine, "why the fuck are you moaning?"

"hmnnmsh..." y/n mumbled words and jinsoul is aware that she is not actually saying things, she's just whining.

she knows her girlfriend- oh no, past girlfriend so well. jinsoul knows it when y/n is in a great pain, which is now probably came from that alcohol she puts in her body.

"it hurts?" jinsoul calmly comforted her. and yet again, y/n responded with a gibberish.

jinsoul sighs, "see? you're bad with alcohol. why'd you even offered to play sooyoung's little game?"

y/n just squinted, she hugged jinsoul even tighter. the car's door is opened and jinsoul is standing right next to the door.

"y/n, i will hug you, okay? just, just wait. i have to get inside and close the door."

when jinsoul is already sitting, y/n snuggled into her quickly. at first, she's hesitating to hug back but she promised so..

"honestly, i have never got a chance to tell you this but... i missed you, and you being like this."

"you can sleep in my arms as long as you want."

"just please don't throw up in my car."


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