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SIGH she still smells the same.

wow, this girl in the mirror has gone insane. she can't stop thinking about what happened last night with her ex.

'i love that perfume of hers so much.'

yup, she's confirmed crazy.

anyways, i tried to contact my friends to come over to our dorm but all of them are busy. it's kinda strange that they're doing something resourceful but i guess i will be trying another friend to contact.

i ended up with byungchan-oppa, and he agreed to come over.

after an hour, he arrived. as usual, he's carrying a big grocery bag containing my favorite snacks and drinks.

we immediately went to the living room to do some chitchatting.


"you gay." he snickered while devouring the poor cookie on his hand.


"be honest kim y/n." byungchan-oppa glared at me sarcastically, "did you act drunk on purpose so that your ex will be catching you as you fall?"

"no, i am not."

"oh really?" he teasingly gave me a gaze and then started to tickle the shit out of me.

i kept on denying it with, "no!", "i really am not!" while giggling because this bitch knows where are the most ticklish part of every inch of my body.

after some minutes, he stopped for the sake of my breath.

"i wonder where jinsoul is. it's starting to get dark."


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