Part 2: Little White Lies

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"Should we be concerned?"


That was the last thing Milo said to either Ani or Cassie before the bell rang and they all had to get to class. Obviously they were both extremely intrigued about what Milo may or possibly may not have done which made it ten times more annoying that they were going to have to sit through the entire day not knowing. Both of them wished it was one of those days where they all had lunch at the same time but sadly it was not, Milo having it at a completely different time. Cassie barely listened to anything that was said that day in any of her classes because all she could think about was what Milo had said, those cryptic sentences that could mean so many things. Ani sat in the library at one point during the day and more than once wondered if there were any books that could tell he what Milo was up to. She very quickly realised that was dump.

Despite not having lunch at the same time, they were all lucky enough that they were finishing at the same time. Cassie and Ani met up at the same table they had been sat at that morning and waited for Milo as groups of students exited the college building, most of them climbing into their rich fancy cars and heading home to their massive expensive houses. Eventually they both spotted Milo walking out the entrance and walking towards them, looking as suspicious and nervous as he had earlier if not a little more.

"Are you going to tell us what the fuck was going on this morning or what?" Questioned Cassie, putting her phone down.

"Yes, let me just think of how I'm going to tell you" responded Milo, not knowing how to phrase his next few sentences.

"This better be worth it" said Ani, smiling because she was a little excited.

"Alright, basically... I sort of stole from Charlie" replied Milo, instantly rethinking that.

"Elaborate" said Ani, raising an eyebrow.

"Right... so obviously I went over to his house after college yesterday to do some tutoring" replied Milo, Cassie and Ani nodding along as he spoke. "His mum was looking for the money to pay me but she couldn't find it. However, as she was looking, he spotted it and just took it."

"How is that stealing?" Wondered Cassie, squinting her eyes. "You were owed that money."

"True but I didn't tell her I found it" responded Milo, both Cassie and Ani instantly realising what had happened. "I put the money in my bag before she saw and then she gave me ore money because she thought the original money had gone missing."

"Why did you do that?" Said Ani.

"I honestly don't know" replied Milo. "It just sort of happened."

"You don't just sort of steal from someone" said Cassie, laughing as little bit.

"This could get you in some real trouble if they find out" replied Ani, sounding serious.

"That's correct except I don't even think they know I've done it" said Milo. "No one said anything then and no one had said anything since."

"That doesn't mean they don't know" replied Ani. "They might just be bidding their time."

"Hang on, if they don't know, what are you going to do?" Asked Cassie, thinking.

"What do you mean?" Countered Milo.

"I mean, if they never find out you took the money what are you going to do next?" Rephrased Cassie.

"I don't actually know" answered Milo, pursing his lips. "I know. I'll do it again."

"How is that going to help?" Said Ani, trying not to raise her voice.

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