5 . s e r e n e l o o k

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By all means, I make sure I'm pressed next to Kat as he walks besides us. This is right up until we get to the back, where Avery points his finger to the left.

"I'll take the left." The both of us watch as he casually walks towards the left end of the library.

"Anyways," Kat shows off her braces when she gives a half smile. "I'll go through the middle, and you can go through the books on the right side. Cool?"

"Yes, yes." I lightly pat her arm before taking my leave. I momentarily stop to decide which passage to take, before randomly shifting towards the furthest one.

Casually, I walk as my eyes scan the books on the shelf. I'm looking for a more historical literature book. My steps slowly come to a standstill before the art literature section; the old looking souvenir-like books grab my attention, and slowly, I examine each book by the name on the spine. Now and again, I'd tilt my head to read the small fine prints, before lifting my hand to pull one out.

The art of art literacy. How specific.

I mindlessly flip through the pages, momentarily looking at the printed pictures before I reach the end, and then place the book back. My eyes catch another green book above, so after putting the one I was holding in it's place properly, I reach out to get the eye catching thick one, only for another hand right above me to reach out faster and grasp the book.

"Hey, I was—" instantly, my mouth press shut when I come face to face with his grey hoodie.

My eyes watch as he flips open the book with his lower lip gripped between his teeth. This thing they call a heart feels like a set of drums, as if playing a whole tune according to how Avery makes me feel. Nothing but a bucket of nerves. The bad kind, and I hate it.

To create more space between our already close bodies, like he doesn't have all the space behind him, I take a step back against the wooden high shelf and gulp. What is he going to say now? What will he do now? Does the torture begin right now, in a library with a few students?

Gosh, if he tells me to strip and run around, I'd rather he kill me.

"You're probably wondering what I'm thinking." He shifts his gaze down at me for a second or so before looking back at the book. "I don't have a lot going on up there at the moment. You don't have to worry."

"T-then why'd you come all the way this side?" I attempt the bravery speaking, just low enough not to suddenly lure in greedy ears.

He slightly wiggles the book at me as proof. "Because I was looking for this specific book."

"Okay... then go."

Avery uses his temerity by chuckling, both corners of his lips raise up at my choice of words, and he closes the book. He's at his full height which makes me look like an elf, even if my head easily reaches an inch or so below his chin. It's because he has a long torso, that's what gives him his height.

That, and his daddy long legs. Despite the fact that I last knew he hated soccer, maybe Amber did right by telling him to sign up.

After flattering his dark lashes at me as he blinks, he slightly has his eyes to narrowed slits. "Bubbles, you're the one who's good at running away, not me. Why would I just... go?"

"So you're going to torture me? Humiliate me? In front of people?"

"It's just a matter of you keeping your voice down. And with how heartless you are, your pain tolerance should be impressive."

I suck in air. I'm not crying because of him. Not today. "Have some humanity, Avery."

"How? Like the one you didn't have when you murdered your friend? My girlfriend?" Now, he tilts his head. Man, his beauty is so sinful. No one in their left mind should look this good. His glow-up over the years served him well, but he's evil.

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