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Y/n's pov

I am extremely shocked come this scarf and that cloth has same initials Knitted on it......was it the same person who maybe came here yesterday....but I never saw him here

Also Kim boss seems all creepy...all opposite of what I heard about did he know this much about me ....this sh*t is killing me

I should talk to Lisa

I thought and called Lisa

*On call*

Y/n:-Hey Lisa !!...Am I disturbing you

Lisa:-Nope darling..what is it?

Y/n:-Can I come and meet you now

Lisa:- Aren't you in office now?

Y/n:-No actually I took a half day and you are also on leave I guess

Lisa:-Yeah because of that donkey I broke my leg and now working from home...nevermind why are you even asking can come to meet me anytime

Y/n:-Thanks....I'll be there in 10 mins....bye

*Call ended*

I picked my car keys and locked the door before leaving the apartment leaving aerum sleeping

Time skip

I knocked the door as the door opened and I saw Lisa struggling with one leg In air all bandaged and crutches onn

I helped her and closed the door and walked her to the sofa and we both made ourselves comfortable

Lisa:-hello darling....what is it huh..why you seem tensed ??

Y/n:-Actually Lisa I wanted to talk something very serious yet confusing

Lisa:-Carry on

Y/n:-Yesterday after you and bambam left...I was alone because aerum was at her friends place...s-

Lisa:-So did you see a ghost or what ??

I glared at her as she zipped her mouth and I continued

Y/n:-I slept alone but when I woke up I felt my eyes covered with a black cloth...with KTH Knitted on it
And today I went office and by mistake I bumped in a man and got injured....and that man gave me a scarf and that has same initials on it

Also today was acting very wierd

Lisa:-It's not something new...he is always wierd to me

Y/n:-No what I mean is....nobody in office except you and bambam know about aerum and my new address but he..... he know it all

I don't know how?

Author's pov

Lisa and y/n both were stressed now...Lisa was also somewhat shocked as she heard it all from y/n

Lisa:-This is quite serious...I think we should visit the man that bumped into you

Y/n:-I thought the same but I'll visit him and you'll rest...but what about

Lisa:-Knowing about Aerum is okay....but address is something serious but he is very busy personality he soon will forget I don't take stress


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