Chapter 12: the party

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"Remind me why we're here again?" I ask Sara, not caring that I sound completely bored out of my mind,  while we're walking around in the small shop. She looks through some clothes before turning to face me. 

"There's a party tonight and we need dresses" She answers me in a 'duh' tone. With a heavy sigh I begin to look for something to wear tonight. I really don't want to go on this party but Sara forced me, so here I am, three hours before the party, looking for something to wear. Almost everything in here is black or red. After a while I decide to take a pair of black shorts and a black  shoulderless crop top. Sara picks out a black tight dress with small straps which I think looks good on her. Sara also takes half an hour to buy make-up, which is something I never really used before. Can you blame me? My mother died when I was little and I didn't exactly have any friends so no one really thought me anything about make up. And besides, Amity didn't really have any make-up, saying that you looked beautiful enough or some bullshit. 

We walk back to the dorm to fix us before the party. I put my new clothes on and looks at my reflection in the mirror. Damn I look good! My newest tattoo on my collarbone is showing and it looks quite good. Sara then helps me with braiding my hair into two dutch braids and putting on some make-up. She said something about lip gloss and mascara, I've forgotten what the rest was called. But it looks good, which is what counts, right?

Sara's dress is really pretty and her hair is pulled up in a ponytail. With one last look in the mirror she drags me out to the Pit where the party is supposed to be. I can hear the music loud and when we enters the Pit I'm shocked by the amount of people there. God,I want to turn around already. She tugs me towards the dance floor and we find an open spot. Sara begins to dance and I start to feel claustrophobic with everyone around. At first I'm tensed while I dance and my moves feels forced but after a while I start to relax and let my body move on its on accord. I don't know how long I've been dancing with Sara when I suddenly feels tired and dizzy. 

"I need to take a break" I call to Sara and she replies with an 'ok' before I hurry away from the dancefloor. But it's harder than I thought and the feeling of being so close to everyone around me makes me uncomfortable. I'm hyperaware of everyone who touches me and I can finally breathe out once I'm out. 

I hate parties. 

I walk out of the Pit, not really feeling of partying anymore and head over to our dorm. But as I pass the Chasm a few corridors away I see someone standing there. After a double take  and with a smile I can make out who's standing there. His back is towards me as I quietly walk up to him. Once I'm close enough I punch him in the back of his head, making him stumbling towards the bridge over the Chasm. He turns confused around to face me and I see realization wash over him but I don't give him any chance before I strike again. We begin fighting, exchanging blows and kicks until were on the bridge. 

The fight ends when I grab his neck and hold him outside of the railing. Water splashed under him against the rocks and he kicks with his feet to try to reach the bridge. His hands is around my wrist and I look him dead in the eye. 

"Zorro Please" He begs but I only laugh. 

"How pathetic of you! Begging me now to spare you after the hell you put me through" I laugh and I can see the fear in his eyes. But I don't care, he is dead to me. And soon he'll be dead. 

"Please I'm sorry! I swear- I'll- I'll-" He begins but I cut him off. 

"You thought that you made me weak and vunerable. But you were all wrong, I got stronger" I say with so much hatred while he is trying to reach me but without success. 

"Zorro!" someone yells from the entrence of the Chasm and I roll my eyes. Of course he had to come. "Don't do it" he continues. 

"I have every right to! They all ruined my life and now I'M ruining his life" I scream so that he can hear me over the loud sound from the Chasm. I give Jason a dead stare before I let go of his neck. I don't even look at him when his scream echos across the Chasm as he falls to his death. Then I walk away like nothing happen. Eric gives me a blank look but doesn't try to stop me as I brush past him. 

Now Mason is next. 

It doesn't accure to me untill I'm lying in bed later at night that Eric might tell the other leaders about Jason. And that'll lead to my death or me becoming factionless. A growing fear inside me makes me unable to sleep. I knew that killing my brothers would probably not be such a good idea but I thought that I was sneaky enough. But why was Eric there? Had he followed me? I mean, almost everyone else was at the party. I think that I got two hours of sleep that night. 



This chapter is kind of boring and short but I wanted a cliffhanger. 

What do you think will happen? Will she die? Or become factionless? 

Thanks for reading!


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