Chapter 2: Interrogations and offers

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Well fuck, i wanted to help, now i need to pay for it. Im sitting in interrogation room with Ruby while Glynda Goodbitc- i mean Goodwitch is berating us for fighting Torchwick, while i think about few things. First is fact my gun doesnt need to reload, it did happen in Vox Machina but only when percy was possesed by Orthax. Second is fact im still 16, which is age close enough to get to Beacon... lets just pray that Ozm- i mean Ozpin didnt let Ruby only because of eyes....

Glynda: "I hope that you realize that your actions tonight will not be taken lightly, Children. You put yourselfs and others in great danger."

Ruby: "They started it!"

Jan: "And we ended it"

Glynda: "If it were up to me, you both would be sent home... With a pat on the back..." nope Ruby, you are not out of this yet "...And a slap on the wrist!"
Ruby: "Eeek!" it might be me just simping for Ruby, but damn, Glynda is bitch

Glynda: "But... there is someone here who would like to meet you." Oh boy, time for the Morally gray fuck
Through door comes Man in green clothing, holding a mug and a plate of cookies. Oh boy, im gonna fuck around with him
Ozpin: "Ruby Rose..." He leans towards her face to look better at her "special" eyes. "You... have silver eyes."
Jan: "You do realize that sounds like you are a pedo?"
To be honest, i enjoyed reaction i got, the disbelief seen on Ozpins face was something else, the glare from Glynda was other thing

Glynda: "What did you just say young man?!" uh oh, maybe i went to far?
Ozpin: "Glynda" oh thank you Ozpin "The boy has a point" well i be damned
Ozpin: "Anyway! Where did you learn to do this?" He shows us a recording of Ruby beating up two henchman, still flashy as hell even when there was less of them

Ruby: "S-Signal Academy" Well, seems little Rose is embrased, cute.

Ozpin: "They taught you to use one of the most dangerous weapons ever designed?" I  call bullshit on that one, there is no way scythe is most deadly weapon"

Ruby: "Well, one teacher in particular." Ah yes, the drunkle, also amazing fighter, Qrow with Q.... his mother really must hated him.

Ozpin: "I see..."

He puts plate of cookies in front of Ruby, She picks one up, and eats it super fast, Okay so some logic still applies here, not seeing any complaint she starts eating them at extreme speed

Jan: "How can you eat so fast?" she mumbles something but its barely recognizable.

She swallows the cookies and then answers, Blushing from embarrassment.

Ruby: "Well i may have a bit of a sweet tooth" Well damn, who could expect that? ...Everyone

Ozpin: "It's just that I've only seen one other scythe-wielder of that skill before. A dusty, old crow..." Aw cmon, he isnt that old... right?

Ruby: "That's my Uncle Qrow! He's a teacher at Signal. I was complete garbage before he took me under his wing. And now, I'm all like Howah! Witcha!" Okay, the ninja sounds are worst thing i ever heard. 

Ozpin: "So I've noticed." He sits down in front of us, okay... pray Jan. "And what is an adorable girl such as yourself doing at a school designed to train warriors?" Trying to hold up mothers name, that why.

Ruby: "Well... I want to be a Huntress." 

Ozpin: "You want to slay monsters?" No dumbass, she wants to make friends and live happy life at end of a rainbo- OF COURSE SHE WANTS TO KILL GRIMM YOU RET- Okay Jan.... calm down, dont blow up... not yet.

Ruby: "Yeah! I only have two more years of training left at Signal! And then I'm going to apply to Beacon!"  Well Red im gonna give you a small spoiler... you will be at beacon in a few hours 
"You see, my sister's starting there this year, and she's trying to become a Huntress, and I'm trying to become a Huntress 'cause I wanna help people. My parents always taught us to help others, so I thought, Hey, I might as well make a career out of it!" I mean... Hunters make money of the misery so... yeah?

Ruby: "I mean the police are alright, but Huntsmen and Huntresses are just so much more romantic and exciting and cool and really, gosh, you know!" Romantic? tell that to Raven or Summer, oh right, one left because of being scared and second is.... MIA actually... You still get the point.

Both Oz and Glynda bitch are looking at her like judging her.

Ozpin: "Do you know who I am?" Yeah, the immortal wizard with EX that wants to murder whole world right?
Ruby: "You're Professor Ozpin." Oh right "You're the headmaster at Beacon."

Ozpin: "Hello." i dont like his smile...
Ruby: "Nice to meet you." uh... yea sure...

Ozpin: "You want to come to my school?" Here we go bois
Ruby: "More than anything." Your funeral little red, maybe i will change things but also i may  end up destroying more than saving

Ozpin looks at Glynda as if she has any objections
Glynda: "Hmmph" Bitch

Ozpin: "Well okay" Well now lets see reaction we didnt see in sho-

Ruby squeals so loud i think i ruptured my eardrums, i can see both Oz and Glynda also didnt like lound sound
Ruby: thank you thank you thank you!!!

Ozpin: "Now glynda could you lead Ruby Rose out of here?" uh oh... time for me, the entire time they were talking i was trying to get convincing backstory, lets pray my storytelling is better than my un-released fanfics

Ozpin: "So now you young man.. how about you introduce yourself?
Jan: "My name is Jan Warsaw, a lone traveler and mercenary"
Ozpin: "Jan Warsaw? it doesnt seem like a normal name, also arent you a little young to be mercenary?"
Jan: "Fate doesnt care about age proffesor" Suprisingly he chuckles

Ozpin: "it does not... now tell me, how did you learn to fight like this?" He shows another video, this time my fight, where i shoot of two fingers of one henchman, and the second one, where i managed to parry a strike using my gun and then i just hit guy in side of the head

Jan: "Self taught" 
Ozpin: "I see...."  Oh shit, he doesnt believe me "tell me" he bring up my gun "Who created it?" 

Jan: "i did" i say it with pride, even though i even didnt make it, and looks like i convinced him
Ozpin: "I would want someone of your craftsman skills in my academy"


Jan: "You want me to join the Beacon? Without knowing anything about me?" What the fuck Ozpin

Ozpin: "You are intresting person Jan, I look forward to seeing you in halls of beacon" 
Jan: "Very well Proffesor" 


Well, here am i on Airship going to beacon, who would expect that?  ...Well everyone.
News: "-ed by nefarious criminal Roman Torchwick, who continues to evade authorities. If you have any information on his whereabouts, please contact the . Back to you, Lisa." ah yes, news about Torchwick. 

Lisa Lavender: "Thank you, Cyril. In other news, this Saturday's Faunus civil right protest turned dark when members of  the White Fang  disrupted the ceremony. The once peaceful organization has now disrupted..." Ah yes... The White Fang, to be honest im sympathetic towards their original cause. Equality through blood, something my people did many times... The January Uprising, The November Uprising, The Polish-Bolshevik War and the Warsaw uprising.... in all cases my people fought for dignity and freedom. But in this reality faunus become supremacist trying to make human slaves... and this is where sympathy ends...

Anyway ,i look through glass wall to see the view and wow.... the view in real life is amazing, let me tell you that... 

I can hear Ruby and Yang behind me, oh this will be intresting day indeed...

[Author notes!: So here is second chapter, written in one day. TBH its mostly filler and following Rwby storyline for big part of story, but i promise there will be changes... anyway i hope you have a good day my friends!]

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⏰ Last updated: May 24, 2022 ⏰

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