Chapter Three

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"And the best Summer Single goes to..." I held my breath as I looked around at the boys that were anxiously waiting for the final words of the sentence. I grinned as I looked at each boy in the band.

Liam was tugging at the edge of his lip with his front teeth as he nervously looked up at the announcer, Louis has his eyes squeezed shut as if that would either slow down or speed up the wait, Zayn was vigorously tapping his hand on his lap, Harry was just sitting there, staring up at the announcer while trying not to smirk and Niall sat staring into space, though I knew that he had his fingers crossed under the table.

"One Direction!" I laughed as all the boys jumped out of their seats with their mouths in wide open smiles. I stood in complete excitement as if I was the one who had won the award. I jumped up wrapping my arms around Harry's neck since he was the only boy next to me as he gave me a quick hug. I turned around to find a camera almost a foot away from me and I took a staggering step backwards. I proudly watched each boy make their way up to the stage with pride, but before they had made their way up, Niall turned around and winked at me. I turned around making sure that there were no cameras around me before I blew him a small kiss. A small smile crept on my face as I looked at some of the producers and managers that were sitting at the table. None of them had noticed.

"This is your stop," I was told by my limo driver as he stopped in front of an unfamiliar building that looked to be a restaurant.

"I think there's been some sort of mistake. I'm supposed to be going to the hotel," I stuttered as I peered out the window.

"Well I was told to drop you off here," the persistence in his voice sounded on the verge of annoyance.

"By who?" I inquired.

"Mr. Horan," he said dryly.

"That little.." I muttered as I opened the door and thanked the limo driver before I shut the door and watched the over sized car go speeding down the busy street of down town LA. Gripping the handle, I pulled open the door to find a completely empty restaurant, except for one lonely table placed in the middle of it with two burning candles and two plates full of steaming hot food. I looked at it as I felt my mouth water and my stomach suddenly growl. I was so mesmerized by the food that I almost didn't see the usually confident, yet surprisingly timid Niall emerge from the back of the restaurant.

"Happy anniversary," he said, with a hopeful smile as if he was afraid that I was going to walk out on him right there. With a small smile, I came as close as I could in my heals to running at him before I pushed my face into his hard chest and wrapped my arms around him, squeezing his stomach, wishing that I could keep that moment and put it in a bottle for when I knew I wouldn't be able to have it. "I'm sorry about everything." he murmured as his chin rested on the top of my head. "It's okay. It's not like you can do anything," I said, pressing my face deeper into his chest, my words muffled in his shirt.

"Now can we please eat," I said, extending my neck so that it dangled bellow Niall's chin as I broke into a grin. "I'm starving. I haven't eaten since this morning."

"Why?" Niall asked, his eyebrows pushing down and his lips turning to a solid straight line as he let go of me so that he could pull out my chair for me and tucked it in.

"I wanted to fit into my dress," I mumbled, hoping he wouldn't hear me.

"Summerrrr," he groaned and I rolled my eyes, "We've talked about this before. You're perfect the way you are and I want you to eat," he said almost in a growl. I smirked as I cut a piece of steak that was on my plate, opened my mouth as wide as it would go and dramatically shoved the fork in my mouth. It was his turn to roll his eyes. "I'm serious," He mumbled into his food.

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