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I know this is probably going to be a bit early buuut I want to get things going faster and speed up a little bit. Season one is quite boring and I don't really see Ayla fitting in anywhere, or more like I'm lazy, but I want to concentrate on more important events which will occur in season 2.


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A few days have passed and Lexi left town. She didn't want to take a risk to die again. Nothing special happened, nothing that Ayla was apart of. She kept to herself not wanting to intervene with anything yet.

It's just the beginning of everything and Ayla doesn't want to be involved yet. Season one was pretty boring and the past Ayla would have just followed Damon everywhere and slept with a couple of guys. The past Ayla was known for her many one night stands.

She liked to enjoy life and have some fun. During the show she got with character such as Tyler, Mason, later on Liam and even had a one time thing with Caroline.

But this Ayla didn't want to get intimate with many people since she found out about mates. She nearly always thought of them.

Who they are, where they might be, when and if she will meet them. The thoughts of them consumed her.

So to distract herself she hung around town. Met some people and drank the bars empty. One of her favorite activities was to go to the library. She hoped to find more information about soulmates or a way to find the but came up empty.

She got bored pretty quickly and thought of a way to annoy her brother. So here she was, in front of the mystic high, with a confident smile and all eyes on her. She loved the attention.

She had arrived in Damon's car, which he wasn't aware of at the moment, and when she got out of the car all eyes went to her, almost like magnets. Ayla has always had the attention wherever she went. She was the center of attention and no one could deny nor resist it.

With confidence in every step she took and a million dollar smile she made her way to the entrance. She could feel all the gazes, most of them in jealousy from the girls and lust from the guys, who where mainly looking at her lovely behind.

Ayla walked into the secretary office and signed, more like compelled, herself into school and when she turned around she saw most of the scooby gang staring at her.

She smiled and walked to them. Stefan stepped in front of the group, mainly Elena, and looked down at his sister. Ayla rolled her eyes looking up into her brothers green eyes.

"Won't you introduce me to your friends, brother?" she asked innocently. Stefan being his broody self, frowned and stepped a step closer to her. "What do you want here, Ayla?"

"I just got bored doing nothing all day and every teenager should go to school, right?" she smiled. Stefan narrowed his eyes "You don't like school and don't you already have a medical degree?"

Ayla ignored him while walking around him. She stood in front of Bonnie, Caroline and Elena. "Hi, we haven't met yet, I'm Ayla Salvatore" she smiled at them. "except for Elena, we met already" the brunette added with a bitter tone that the doppelgänger and her friends were oblivious to.

"Hey, I'm Caroline and this is Bonnie" the 'bubbly blonde', as Ayla called her, said. Ayla smiled. "Caroline, I heard that you were the cheerleader captain, do you have a free spot?" she grinned. Caroline beamed and nodded quickly. Ayla thought that Caroline was a sweet girl she could light up everyone's mood.

"Come to practice today after school and we'll see how you're doing. Do you have experience?" she asked, totally in her element. Caroline Forbes is a passionate girl. She is full of emotions, whether they be good or bad, she is an absolute control freak and some may describe her as 'too much'. But Caroline is in Ayla's opinion one of the most perfect humans alive.

She loves how compassionate and and happy Caroline is about everything. Yes, she may be really insecure and insensitive sometimes but she doesn't mean any harm. She's someone Ayla would love to have in her live and share stories with, she hoped to find a friend in the blonde.

"I do have pretty fast reflexes and I am really athletic." the brunette grinned. Caroline nodded and snatched Ayla's timetable out of her hand. She looked it over and confusion took over her features. "Wow, you have all your classes with Stefan." she mumbled.

Stefan narrowed his eyes as he stared intently at his sister. He was keeping a close eye on her, making sure she behaved. Ayla grinned deviously "Oh really?" she feigned confusion "what a coincidence" she smiled innocently at Stefan and hooked her arm into Stefan's. "Then let's go, Steffi" Stefan could only roll his eyes but let her drag him away. "See you later Caroline and bon bon" She called over her shoulder.

"I like her!" Caroline grinned as she watched Ayla and Stefan walk down the hall. "I don't, she can't be trusted. Stefan said she's been living with Damon for a long time, can you imagine someone like Damon but somehow worse?" Elena said harshly. She had to make sure that Caroline wouldn't go near Ayla. She couldn't imagine all the things the vampire would do to her best friend, and she fairly didn't want to know.

The further Ayla was the better. Bonnie didn't utter a word since Ayla had arrived, she didn't quite know what to think of the female Salvatore. On one hand she got the same bad feeling she got with all the other vampires but on the other she somehow felt a familiarity she couldn't understand. Did she meet her before? No, someone like Ayla would surely stand out. Besides isn't she one year younger than them?

"You don't know anything about her, Elena, do you have to be so judgy? Give her a chance, she seems really nice" Caroline frowned. Elena shouldn't talk about Ayla like that if she didn't know her. Caroline's first impression of her was great, she could already tell that she would be great friends with Ayla.

"Whatever, just stay away from her." Elena grumbled, walking to her next class.

Ayla dragged Stefan away from the three girls and when they were out of earshot Stefan stopped and looked at her "Why did you took the same classes as me?" he asked her annoyed. "because that way I can always annoy you as much as I want." she grinned.

Stefan looked at her suspiciously and wanted to further question her, he was sure that Ayla had some alternate plan and that she wasn't just here to visit or to just be in his life again and he was afraid of her having a bigger part in Damon's plan, whatever that might be.

But before he could speak up Ayla beat him to it "Believe it or not, Stefan, I don't want trouble. I came to Mystic Falls because Damon came here. I don't have anybody besides him and I certainly don't want to spend eternity alone. I don't know what Damon's planning but I have nothing-" she suddenly stopped talking, getting a weird feeling. She frantically looked around.

She didn't know what was happening but something in her made her keep a close eye on her surroundings. It was as if her instincts, her inner vampire was coming to the surface and taking control of her. "Ayla?" Stefan questioned confused. Ayla growled at him which immediately shut him up, though not for long. He watched her looking around frantically and was about to call out her name again when she said his name"Stefan."  "Yes?" he questioned still confused and now also wary of his surroundings.

"What's wrong?" he questioned one more time when she didn't say anything.

"Stefan, I think one of my mates is here" she whispered while looking at him panicked.

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