☆part 7☆

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A few days later


I haven't seen or heard from Noen since that time in the woods. I can't believe I acted like such a baby, not that I think crying is babyish but in front of Noen. Like that's so embarrassing.

*knock, knock, knock* I hear my mom at my door, she always knocks in the same pattern ever since I've been little.

"Come in momma, it's open" I tell her through the closed door.

She opens the door a crack and pokes her head in my room.

"Hey sweetie, you got a guest, and I grab your favorites from Walmart." She says dropping a bag through the door. She walks away and I hear her footsteps recede.

"We'll come in mysterious guest." I tell the still partially open door.

Noen walks in wearing a bright pink hoodie that says 'big girls don't cry,' cats in space pj pants, and obnoxiously bright green crocs. He's holding a blue gift bag that has sparkly tissue paper poking out the top of it.

"I know it's not your birthday or anything but I got you something." He says closing the door behind him, handing me the bag and sitting on my computer chair across the room. I open the bag and inside is a small pink stuffed pig.

"So it's probably not what you're expecting but let me explain." He continues. "My dad gave me one exactly like this the day he died and I know it's silly but it really helped me and I still sleep with him so I thought we could be matching and maybe it would help you sleep better at night." He plays with his hoodie string nervously.

"Noen, this is so stupid." I tell him. He gasps, taken aback at my comment. I continue. "I absolutely love him, he's so fucking cute awwe." I coo squeezing the small pig to my chest. "Imma name him Nowie, because he came from my Nowie." He jumps up from his spot and runs and leaps on top of me.

"You bitch, I thought you hated it." He yells playfully slapping me a bunch of times.

"I wouldn't hate anything you give me, unless it's like heroine, then even if I'd probably just be confused." I tell him. He slides off me to sit besides me and hugs me and whispers into my neck.

"You're silly Chasey." He giggles, sending tingles down my spine giving me goose bumps. I hug him back and pull him closer to me as he tries to pull away. He gives me a small huff before speaking lowly again. "Who's the needy one now Chase?" More giggles against my neck makes me whimper. He pulls his head away from my neck to look at me. He tilts his head before continuing. "Did I hurt you?" He asks quietly, inspecting me with his eyes.

"Of course not, just you breathing and laughing against my neck tickles." I say not telling him that it's sent a shiver down my back and that my stomach is in knots. I grab him again and pull him down on the bed so we're both laying on our backs looking at each other. My arm is still around his shoulders and he shuffles closer to me and snuggles into the crook of my neck again, his favorite spot it seems.

We lay there for a long time, I feel at peace for the first time in a long time. I love it I can't even deny how much I love it, Noen's head on my shoulder gentle breathing against my skin, leg draped lazily over my waist, my head against his and my fingers running through his fluffy hair. I wish I could stay like this forever. A while after that I feel Noen's breathing slow down telling me he's asleep or about to fall asleep.

"Hey buddy, do you wanna stay here tonight?" Ask rubbing my thumb across his cheek to wake him up.

"Yeah, m'sleepy Chasey." He says cuddling closer to me.

"Well don't go falling asleep on me right here, let's move so we're actually laying on the bed because I know your legs are literally on top of me but mine been dangling here for awhile and I can't feel them haha." I say sitting up and hauling Noen with me.

He jumps up off me and the bed and speaks so fast. "Oh my god Chase I'm so sorry, why didn't you tell me sooner about your legs. Are they ok? Did I hurt you, where my legs too heavy? I'm sorry Chase I didn't mean to almost fall asleep i just feel so comfortable with you. Im so sorry."

"Hey, hey, hey, calm down. Sit down. Takes some deep breaths." I say grabbing his hand and pulling him back down to sit next to me. I rub his hand with my thumb, and breath in and out slowly a few times before continuing. "It's ok Noen it's my fault my legs fell asleep, they ok just a bit tingly I was comfortable and didn't want to ruin the moment so it's ok I promise I'll tell you if I'm uncomfortable or hurt ok hun?" I grab his face to face me. He leans his head on my hand rubbing his cheek against it. He's so cute.

975 words.

Heyo letters here. Sorry it's been so long, my bad. I kinda dropped Wattpad and with that this story. But you know I'm bored at work all the time so imma actually finish this. Idk if anyone is gunna read this years later buttt enjoy.

&&& imma be updating more very soon like even maybe tonight

Thanks for all the support I cannot believe there's over 4 thousand reads on this silly thing I love y'all so friggen much ❤️ -letters

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 02, 2023 ⏰

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