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this is my crappy attempt to illustrate Jimin's room how I invision it. I made the room a bit too long. Pretend all the space in the middle isn't too big lmao. Lemme know if you can't read it. I have horrible hand writing, but in my defense, trying to write with only fingers is hard on an iPad.


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Jimin has never felt more privileged than he did in this moment.

He stands there looking at this skinny boy in front of him who hugs himself with his eyes casted down. He looked like he was ashamed to be here. Jimin doesn't hesitate to grab the boys arm, pulling him inside.

His parents were in their room for the night since it was pretty late. The few maids were about to go home and Jimin knew they wouldn't say anything anyway. He tips them well.

Taehyung was in awe at the house as the two walk through. He was taking in everything just before they enter the huge kitchen. Taehyung could have sworn he has seen a kitchen just like this used by professionals on T.V.

"What would you like?" Jimin asks. He motions with his palm to look around.

Taehyung shrugs, still taking everything in. Jimin opens his obnoxiously large, double door fridge and looks for leftovers from the other night. He smiles when he finds the spaghetti that they had ate. His mother always kept leftovers so they could take some to work. Not that they really needed too

"Your house is...wow!" Taehyung says from behind, his mouth parted in amazement.

Jimin smirks and closes the fridge, "Thanks," he says. He grabs a glass plate from the cabinet and plops the mound of spaghetti on it, loudly slamming the microwave.

Jimin presses a few buttons before he turns toward him, "Here, follow me," he says as he walks to the spiral staircase.

Taehyung follows him, looking at everything he could set his eyes on. There wasn't once spec of dust in this house. He could probably eat off the floor.

Jimin finally gets to his floor, walking to the double doors that leads to his room. Taehyung was baffled at the sight of this one boys room.

Jimin's room had a huge bed in the corner of the opposite side of the room, a beautiful desk close by, the closest and bathroom on the other side across the desk.

He had a small couch and a recliner in a little area by the door to watch TV. A mini fridge was between the couch and chair, serving as an end table. The doors the balcony behind them.

So, technically, Jimin had a little apartment on the third floor.

"You can sit anywhere. I'm going to go get the food."

Jimin leaves and Taehyung looks down at his fluffy, white carpet. His dirty shoes stuck out like a sore thumb. He bends down and quickly takes his shoes off, putting them on the balcony.

   After a minute of waiting, Jimin comes in with the plate of food. Tae's stomach growls at the smell and he follows Jimin to the desk. Jimin sets it down, gesturing for him to sit.

   Taehyung starts eating right away. Jimin goes to his mini fridge, taking out a bottle of water. He sets it next to the boy who didn't look like he was chewing. Jimin watches in concern.

His gaze leaves his face and drops to what he was clad in. Taehyung was wearing old, small clothes and he wondered if he should offer him something to wear. He must have been super poor, Jimin thought.

   "Wanna change into something more comfortable?" He pipes up which makes the boy glance over from his plate.

   Taehyung chews slower, his body stiffening very slightly. He swallows and nods, looking down from Jimin's gaze. He didn't know if Jimin thought he was dirty or what, but he got the hint.

  Jimin walks inside his walk-in closet and comes out with a pair of shorts and plain white t-shirt. Taehyung takes a sip of water and wipes his mouth on the napkin given to him before he gets up, going inside the closest to change.

   Taehyung stands there and stares for a full few seconds. Jimin has so many clothes and shoes on display. He can't help but wonder how much the contents of the whole closet cost altogether.

   Taehyung changes, looking in the full length mirror that was inside. He adjust the large shirt since his collarbones were peeking out. He looks so damn skinny in the clothes that just hung off his body. He takes his hands and run them over his chest, feeling how prominent his ribs were.

   He ignores the wave of heartache that washes over him and walks out, giving Jimin a small smile when he looks at him.

Jimin has never really looked at Taehyung. Yeah, he knew he was cute but the boy was more than that He was breathtaking. His sharp collarbones and soft, plump lips made Jimin stare longer than he intended to.

   Taehyung sits back down at the desk to finish eating. Jimin takes notice of how skinny he was. He usually wore hoodies and sweaters that hid his body. It was slightly concerning and Jimin wanted to ask him about it so fucking bad.

   Taehyung ate everything. The only evidence that food was there was the sauce on the plate. Taehyung leans back, and rubs his tummy in satisfaction.

  "When was the last time you ate?"

   Taehyung was taken back by the abrupt question. He shrugs as he thinks for an excuse. He nervously brings his fingers up to his bottom lip as he tries to come up with something. He gives up and gives a faint sigh, "A while."

   Jimin frowns. He expected the answer but it still made him feel uncomfortable to hear. "Taehyung, you can always come over to eat, you know that, right?"

   Taehyung shyly looks away and nods. "Could... Could you not tell Jungkook about this? I don't want him to be disappointed."

   Jimin stands and goes over to him. He bends down to eye level and picks up the napkin to wipe away a bit of sauce on the boys cheek. "I won't. I'm glad you came to me," he whispers.

  Taehyung nods, giving a small smile back, "Me too."

  Jimin brings him into a hug and Taehyung wraps his arms around him as well, breathing in his minty scent that gives him a sense of comfort.

   He just hopes it doesn't leave.



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