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Introducing 3 characters of this particular chp and the story.



Valentino Damon's friend

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Damon's friend

Dominique Also Damon's friend

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Also Damon's friend

Dominique Also Damon's friend

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"Hello?" My phone buzzed with a number I didn't recognise, I answered. Little shuffling could be heard on the other side.

"Hello?" I repeated myself. Shuffling continues. Someone was crying, it sounded like.

"Hello?" I tapped my foot on the floor, waiting for a response. If I don't get one, I'll disconnect it.

I heard someone sobbing. I could tell someone on the other end was crying. Someone was pulling a practical joke on me, was the first thought that came to mind. I disconnected my phone without hesitation.

"Damon, who was it?" Valentino questioned, biting into his pizza while his gaze remained fixed on the television.

"Nah ! There's no need to be concerned. Someone was just trying to pull a prank" I replied, grabbing a slice of pizza.

My phone rang. Again. I reached for my phone on the side table, which was showing the same number. I picked up the phone and, before the other person had a chance to speak, I took the lead."Hey, whomever you are, I am n- "

A girl's trembling voice practically begging for me to stay cut me off.

"Please don't disconnect the phone. Stay. Please." I could see this girl was having a hard time because she was clearly crying.

"Who are you?" I questioned gently, quite unsure of how to proceed.

"Why? Huh ? Why did he give up on me? When i needed him the most. He decided to leave me all alone." She said. She apparently needed a shoulder to cry on. Perhaps she couldn't speak to a close friend.

"It's all right, love. I'm right here, shhhh." I tried to console her with my response.

"Damon. Psst. Who is it?" The boys inquired. To tell the boys, I placed my palm on the speaker.

"I'm not sure. This girl has just called me and is crying. I guess she dialled the wrong number. I'll inform her." I responded.

Dominique suggested, "Put it on speaker."

I put my phone on speaker and turned down the volume on the television.

"Hey, love, I believe you dialled the wrong number." I made an attempt to inform her.

"I'm not sure who I called. Please just speak to me. Please assure me that he will return. Tell me they'll all do it. Please tell me it isn't my fault. Tell me he'll come to get me." The girl finally choked out her unending cries. I noticed the lads' expressions change as their faces softened. I felt terrible for her. She had to dial a random number just to get someone to hear her shaky voice. I wish I could be there with her to quiet her.

"It's all right, love. You are welcome to speak with me. You've got me." I tried once more.

"No I don't ! Everyone i know, dont care about me. They all act like they don't know who I am! They all turned their backs on me! Why?! But why me?" She inquired, but the phone abruptly disconnected.


Well? I know, I know it is confusing and you must be thinking this is going to be a shit story but please trust me it is not and won't be too. Just wait. Please 🥺. 

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Do not chant update as I said I will definitely update when it is possible for me to.

Bye lovers.

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