Chapter 11

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My trip to Italy was only a few days away now and I couldn't be more excited or nervous. Except for when I cooked for the President's anniversary, or when I had to share a table with Taehyung or when he said my name when we first met. Okay alright I have had a few encounters as such but this is still pretty big.

I searched up everything about it. I also learnt a little Italian, although I was told that since this will be an international show, we would need to speak only English as it was the most convenient of languages. Apparently. I did brush up on my English as well but knowing some Italian wouldn't hurt. Now we all know what were the first sort of Italian phases I learnt, I could need them under any circumstance. I am a gen z after all. Apart from that I also did some cultural research, I should know the place where I am to stay. I most certainly wouldn't want to offend anybody on this trip.

Undercover I also bought a whole new wardrobe, would not want a disaster in that department in front of my Italian salad. My manager said I was over prepared when I wasn't even half done yet, I still need to pack 5 more suitcases, which would include only my personal items my team of miracle workers would bring the other things with them.

I cooked a few things testing more ideas to bring some extra innovation to the table. Practicing day and night. Perfecting. Memorizing the feeling and texture of every herb and spice, the sound it would make in between my thumb and pointer finger. Counting each second to the last moment. Everything has to be perfect. It will be, no matter what. I might have to work harder for it, but what have I ever achieved that I have not had to put in an extra amount of effort into.

Tae's POV
After searching and searching the result was something I was not expecting but one which did not surprise me at all. I should have known they were the ones to stoop this low. They already lived in the gutter, jealous of those who made it to the top. Their inability to reach success made them think that getting rid of opposition would naturally rise them to the top. Oh how wrong they were and are since they are still at the bottom. Now that I have come back I will send them all the way down to hell. Father, mother I will avenge you and soothe this ever growing storm inside me.

I stand at a grey tombstone, head lowered in respect and apology. I am sorry for your death and the grief that had crashed upon your happy family. I will take revenge in your name as well Mr Jeon. I will hunt all those responsible for ruining not only my family but also the lives of innocent people. You were a good man, I know your wife and child would have been proud of you.

The text message I received when Jungkook was at my house was quite a turning point in my search. Mr Jeon had requested for a day off on that fatal day a few weeks prior to the incident which was allowed by the management team. He had taken a day off to spend with his family, however in the records it was stated that his request was denied and he was made aware of it and was told to attend his shifts when no such thing occurred. This was cleverly planned to make sure that in the end the blame would rest upon Mr Jeon's shoulders. Something must have happened, maybe he appealed to look more into the case, or the people behind all this just wanted to get rid of the proof, as not long after he died in a car accident. The driver was proven to have been drunk driving and was convicted a life sentencing under the charges of murder. In the end the driver also mysteriously died, whether it was actually a mystery or no one really looked into it was my question. But I bet on the latter.

Time skip ~ in Italy

Jk pov
The live broadcast for the guest chefs had begun and even finished just a couple hours ago. Now I was sitting in the balcony of my hotel room situated 14 floors above the cobblestone streets of Rome. A glass of wine in one hand and in the other my phone on which shone a picture of Taehyung that I had taken secretly when we met last time. I don't know why I did it, but I did and i couldn't be happier about it. I don't know what staring at a man's face for hours on end with the thoughts of him running through my brain even in my sleep makes me but I am most certainly not straight. To think about it properly, I have never even been attracted to a female in any kind of way let alone the way I feel for a particular man in question. I have never been interested in a relationship, but I always thought that was because I was too into my career to care for a romantic relationship. Always too busy to divide my attention in such a way.

But here I am, so far away yet ready to fly back to Korea in an instant just to see a glimpse of him again. Although just looking at him might not satisfy my desires as one thought led to another and the next thing I know I was thinking whether to have rose's or lilles at the entrance of a certain kind of hall. I shake my head, guess the white wine was truly very strong and now the exhaustion has caught up to me and I'm ready to fall on the bed.

The next morning was a rush, hectic even. Words were being expressed in so many different languages one could barely understand what they themselves were saying. The live cooking show would begin in about 10 minutes, I made sure to identify all the different herbs that were gathered in a tray on one side of my counter. They were unlabeled covered in a metal casing so the contents inside were visible only when used, or smelt. This did make me a little uneasy but after rattling the content against the metal I was able to tell what the important ones were and so I out them in a specific order to help me out and make sure that everything went smoothly.

Fuck! Where is it? I continued to keep my expressions calm and collected but my insides were burning fiercely from stressing over being not able to find the one herb that I needed to add to complete my dish. There was not much time left. Think Jungkook. Think.

Tae's POV
I focused on Jungkook's face cam on the TV screen. Even though the size was small I could still see the faint lines of stress on his forehead. To someone else it might look like he is just really concentrated, but I know for a fact that something is wrong and all I can do is wish that I was there with him. He has hidden his weakness for so long, unable to share his problems with anyone. I always wanted to make him aware of my presence since u landed but never worked up the courage. I wanted to tell him, time and time again that i am that same Kim boy from the swings at the local park. Everytime he looked at me, it was with a blank expression no sign that he remember our afternoon meet ups from our childhood. But I will tell him, as soon as he returns to Korea.

I will tell him how I missed him more as every day passed by and my biggest regret also increased, not having told you of my sudden departure, of my absence the afternoon you surely waited for me besides the red swing. Waiting for me to come and push you, make you reach the sky, touch the clouds. You always wanted to go as far as the limit would let you, but your size was a restriction. This was the reason why i approched you in the first place

A little boy sat on a red swing, a frown on his small pink lips and creases on his milky white forehead. His expressions sadden me. As I approached him, he continued to stare at the ground the tips of his shoes scraping through the dirt of the muddy play ground. You tried to push the swing harder and harder not giving up. Not until the chains of the swing where clasped around with two small hands stopping the swing entirely. He finally looks up shading his eyes from the bright sun of May at noon. I move to position my head to cover the sun and block it from his eyes. He also then drops his hand to reveal a pair of bright hazel eyes that shine in earnestness. He gives me a quizzical look shaking the swing to rid the chains of my grasp. I make a sound from the back of my throat and he stops immediately looking at my disapproving expressions. "What are you trying to do?" I ask "I want to reach the sky," he replies simply. With a small nod I move to stand behind him, bend a light on my waist and whisper close to his ear so he can hear me as a bunch of other kids run behind us after the bubbles. "Keep you feet off the ground. Move your body in time with the swing" with that I scream lift off to which a small giggle escapes from him. Those turn louder and more frequent. We continue until he is satisfied for the day. "Help me reach closer to the sky tomorrow" is all he says before he runs away. Mr Choi comes to take me back to my car.

Till next time 👋🏼

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