chapter twelve: rescue mission

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I groan as I slowly open my eyes as my alarm goes off

"What the-" I say as I look around

Somehow I've ended up back in my room after blacking out, thankfully my headache is gone for now

"Morning" Rias says

"Morning" I reply before it clicks

I look to my side and I see Rias laying next to me and just like last time she's completely nude

"What are you doing here? What happened" I ask

"Well we suspected that your headache after sensing energy might have been because of magic" she says

"Sooo you used your magic to try and heal it" I say finishing her sentence

"Yes and it seems as if it's worked" she says

The two of us smile at each other and go silent for a moment until I hear a ringing noise come from the TV in my room, it shows on the screen a green and a red phone icon and above it a message saying "call from Gohan and Videl"

"Uhh okay" I say as I push a button on my remote

Suddenly the screen turns from black to a live video of Gohan and Videl

"Hello?..(Y/N) can you hear us" Gohan says

I nearly have a heart attack as I quickly throw some of the covers over Rias

"H-hey guys...what's up?" I say nervously

"We just wanted to check in on you and see how you're doing" Videl says

"Yeah I'm doing fine...schools a lot easier than I thought" I say

"Good have you made any friends?" She asks

"Yeah a few" I  say

"If only they knew" I think to myself

"Well we're glad that you're settling in, just keep working hard" Gohan says

"Will do" I say hoping to end this

"Just one more thing...who's in your bed?" Videl asks

Instantly I freeze up as I think of what to say

"What do you mean?...there's nobody" I say

"C'mon (Y/N) I can see that there's someone else there" she says

I sigh and drop my head as Rias sits up with the bed covers clutched to her chest

"Hello you must be (Y/N)s parents" Rias says calmly as if she hasn't been caught in bed with me

I watch in shock as Rias talks with Gohan and Videl who both seem to be oddly calm about the whole thing.

Timeskip 1 hour later

I try to relax as I walk with Rias to the school but every so often my mind drifts back to last night

"So what are we doing about that exorcist and the girl?" I ask

"You're not going to like this but I'll tell you what I told Issei, stay away from them and don't get involved" she says

My fists ball up and I grit my teeth

"Seriously you seen what he was doing to her, you can't be okay with leaving her" I say

"Of course not but we're in an extremely delicate situation, by going on to fallen angel territory we could start a war" Rias says

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