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Where the hell am I and who the hell is this guy behind me? Joey thought to himself panicking over his unfamiliar surroundings! He dared not move and chance waking the sleeping stranger whose muscular arm was tucked neatly around him.

Going over the events from last night he tried retracing his footsteps to figure out how he landed here. Listing them off in his head; My car died, a strange white guy picked me up, beer, moonshine, I was introduced to a bunch of people... that was all clear in his mind, so who is this black guy sleeping next to me? His brain scoured through the foggy memories of last night. He lay there on his side, in a bed, moving his eyes around searching the room for something to trigger some kind of memory, but nothing came.

Then two quick revelations hit him like bricks... he was naked. The man behind him was also naked. He could feel the skin-to-skin contact between them, and some prickly places on his butt cheeks that he feared were some part of the man's lower parts against him. Now he really needed to remember!

He decided that he needed to try to sneak out from under this guy and find his clothes. As he started to move, he felt the aftereffects of too much alcohol that seemed eerily similar to what a spike driven into the base of his skull could feel like. Slowly, he rolled out from under Tre's limp arm and slid to the edge of the bed. That's when he noticed the uncomfortable mix of greasy and sticky between his legs.

When he stood up, the second obvious sign of a hangover hit him, and he wobbled on his feet as his stomach churned. He lost his balance and landed back on the edge of the bed. The man stirred behind him. He sat still for a minute to let his head stop spinning and hopefully allow the man in the bed to settle back into his sleep before trying to stand again. This time he was ready for the spinning room.

Joey stood and scanned the rest of the room. There were clothes scattered around the foot of the bed. He found his and started collecting them. Each time he bent, the room began to spin faster, and he felt a soreness coming from his hips and his ass.

Clothes in hand, he moved to the door and opened it slowly. He stuck his head out to see if there was anyone in the hall. It was empty. Naked and staggering a little, Joey was in search of a bathroom. The first door he opened was a bedroom with two bodies under the covers. He quietly closed the door and went on to the next.

"Bingo"! he whispered as the opened door revealed a very large bathroom. Closing the door behind him, he looked at himself in the vanity mirror. "What the fuck did you do last night?" As he interrogated his reflection. "You told him?" He questioned himself. "You've never told anyone!" Joey barely admitted his curiosity to himself.

Deciding on a shower, he searched the spacious bathroom for a towel. He fumbled with the knobs to get the water going and waited in the open air for the water to warm up. Once the water coming out of the square shower head was warm, he stepped in and just let the water run down his skin.

"Hey, Joey? Are you ok?" A voice on the other side of the frosted glass shower door asked.

"Shit! Yeah, I'm good!" He replied startled because he didn't hear the door open. "Who are you?"

"It's Tre." The voice responded.

Joey didn't move, he tried to focus on which one Tre was. The black guy, the one he woke up next to. A little more of the night came back to him. "Mornin Tre. Ah, yeah I'm ok." He tried to hide the fear he felt.

"Aight, I was just checking on ya man." Tre called out as he slid the glass door open.

Joey was naked and blocked in a shower. He'd never felt so vulnerable in his life. He froze staring at Tre. His smooth light brown skin contrasted with his white boxers. Joey felt himself start to stiffen and turned his body away from the man looking at him. "Lemme finish this shower, I'll be right out."

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