Good Morning Sunshine

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Joey drifted out of dreamland into a foggy consciousness with the morning sun radiating through the sheer white curtains that did little to filter the light. His room was dimly light except for streaks of sunlight dancing across the space and highlighting the bed they slept in like stage lights. He could feel the heat radiating from Bobby's thin muscular body against his back as well as Bobby's stiffness pressed against his ass. Bobby had one arm draped over Joey's body that held the two of them close.

He let his eyes close again, allowing himself to sink back into the safety of Bobby's presence behind him. He could feel Bobby's warm breath on his neck sending tingles through his body each time the man behind him exhaled.

He couldn't remember a time in which he felt so peaceful. He couldn't remember a time when he was the little spoon. At that moment, Joey allowed himself to just be, to be content, to be peaceful, and to be... gay.

His mind drifted back to last night and how Tre acted so weird after fucking him by the fire. Joey still felt confused and truthfully, kind of hurt by Tre. He wondered why he just left like that after something that felt so intimate. He could feel his heart inching higher in his throat with each flash of him chasing Tre up the stairs.

The body behind him shifted a little bringing Joey back to the present, back to Bobby. He thought about the stark contrast between Bobby and Tre. Where Bobby felt safe to Joey, Tre now seemed to be the opposite. He acted as if he cared but thinking back, Joey saw things differently. Tre was selfish, even manipulative in how he acted over the short time they'd known each other.

Joey's recent chaos seemed to settle down with Bobby. There in bed, in Bobby's arms, Joey felt a small streak of embarrassment seeping into his heart. He had spent his weekend hungry, almost needy for dick. It was like he had spent his entire life starving for something he didn't know he wanted until he got it. Then his hunger was insatiable like a druggy feigning for his next fix.

Bobby's presence seemed to somehow satiate Joey's cravings, quiet his chaos and settle his mind. Over the past couple of days, it seemed all Joey could think about was sex. He didn't care who or how, he didn't even care where. But here, being held by this man, he felt something different. He felt something he couldn't quite describe. He felt... calm.

Then it hit him! He was leaving tomorrow. Bobby would have the old Camero up and running and Joey would pull away, watching this man fade into the past from the rearview mirror. His heart sank into his stomach over that image in his mind's eye. He began to already miss Bobby even though his warm body was still pressed tight against Joey's.

He was brought back out of his thoughts one more time when he felt Bobby's lips press a soft kiss against the skin of his neck. "Hey you." Joey whispered.

Stretching his one free arm and the rest of his body for the first time Bobby groaned "Good mornin Sunshine." before resuming his hold on Joey. "How did ya sleep?" Bobby inquired after a long yawn.

"Best sleep I've had in a while!" Joey answered, his voice a little louder this time.

"Me too." Bobby whispered almost seeming unsure of what he was admitting to.

The two lay there in silence for several minutes with Bobby's breath still brushing across Joey's neck. Joey felt Bobby's hand move up his stomach and come to rest on his hip before Bobby took a deep breath.

"Joey?" Bobby broke the silence. He didn't wait for Joey to respond, "Last night, what was going on? You looked pissed when I hit you with the door."

"Just some shit with Tre." Joey answered trying to be as vague as possible. That embarrassment he started to feel a short time ago, was back in excess.

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