Meet Bobby

159 4 2

Joey 5

Before making it out to the party, Joey decided he wanted to stop by his room and freshen up a bit which included a change of clothes. He fumbled through his bag and pulled out a faded pair of jeans and a black tank top.

He looked over at Tre, feeling slightly uncomfortable at the thought of changing in front of him but started stripping anyway. What the hell? Joey thought to himself, He's already fucked and sucked me! as his shirt was sliding over his head.

Tre watched on as Joey revealed more and more of his sun-tanned, hairless body. Joey wasn't bulging like a gym rat, but his muscles had nice definition. His shaggy blonde hair, his blue eyes, and his toned frame brought dirty thoughts of the things he would like to do to Joey.

Joey pulled the tight faded jeans over his little round ass, tucked his wife beater in, and fastened his pants. He did a circle to get a reaction out of the other man in the room. When Joey turned around to show his ass, Tre noticed a rip just under Joey's left pocket that ran seam to seam horizontally.

"Very nice bro." Tre complimented his choice of party attire while Joey swiped some deodorant under each arm.

If Joey was trying to make a statement with the tight clothes that he chose, he communicated it well to Tre. Now he was curious to see how the others would react. "Ready?" He asked as he walked by Tre and felt a slap on his ass.

Joey was a little nervous when they breached the back door, but he really enjoyed the attention he had been getting so far. He felt ready to put on a show.

Some of the conversations quieted when Joey and Tre came into view and walked up to Danny who was sitting in King David's lap. Joey could feel the eyes on him. From somewhere he heard someone ask "Who is that?" to which another voice responded " I don't know, new meat?" like it was a question.

Danny quickly stood up and wrapped his arms around Joey, spinning him around. "Everyone, this is Joey. Joey, everyone!" Not much of an introduction, but at this house, the only thing you could expect was the unexpected.

Joey took a shallow bow and waved to the crowd. He saw a few faces he remembered from his first night, but he remembered fewer names.

David reached his hand out from his chair to shake Joey's hand. "They been treating you alright?" He asked politely, looking up and down the younger man.

Joey smiled a devilish smile, "Oh yeah!" he responded pushing his enthusiasm. He looked back at Danny thinking about their morning at Charlie's Auto Repair. David seemed satisfied with his answer and let go of his hand.

Eyes watched Tre and Joey as they passed by, on their way to the beer cooler. Joey put a little extra sway in his ass as he moved in front of the men. When he got to the cooler, he bent down in a way that made his backside poke up. From somewhere behind him Joey heard a whistle followed by a familiar voice.

Charlie huffed "Dammit boy!" just before he grabbed Joey by the waist and thrust himself into Joey's ass a couple of times.

Joey held his position bent over the ice. A beaming smile spread across his face as he felt the man push against him. To Joey, it was free advertisement as the party favor he hoped to be tonight. He stood up and faced Charlie. "Hey Charlie, how are ya?" he asked as he hugged the familiar mechanic.

"Come on. I want ya to meet someone." Charlie told him after confirming that he was ok. He grabbed Joey's arm and pulled him off, leaving Tre at the beer cooler.

"Bobby, this is the kid I was telling ya 'bout." Charlie said to a man not much older than Joey. Bobby's hair was neatly groomed, and his face was smooth. It was too dark for Joey to see the color of his eyes, but he guessed them to be brown. "This is my son, Bobby." Charlie continued. "Bobby, meet Joey."

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