Chapter 5

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It took about half a day to reach the mines. Mai and Carmina arrived just after noon, having left Prosperity in the early hours of the day. They didn't make their move right away, instead they set up shop on a nearby hill, giving them a view of the access road for incoming and outbound vehicles as well as a view of the patrols around the mine. It was Mai's turn on watch as Carmina prepped some food for themselves. They hadn't said much on the way here, a complete one-eighty from years prior. Before you couldn't get the two girls to shut up, but each had been through their own turmoil; it was hard reverting back to what was.

"I overheard about your dad. Your mom was talking to my pops about it after you left last night." Mai spoke, still gazing through the sniper's lens. She could hear Carmina pause, probably looking at her.

"I'm so sorry." Mai set the sniper down.

Carmina's head dipped down at the ground, finishing up building their sandwiches, "They took him right around the same time your mom disappeared." Carmina looked up, "Do you think maybe they're in the same place?

Mai shrugged, "Could be. You have any idea where they could have taken him?"

Carmina handed Mai her portion of food before taking a bite of hers, speaking with her mouth full, "I heard there's a place where they send their vehicles to get repaired. He could be there considering his skill set." she took another bite.

"Your mom was pretty nifty too so maybe they sent her there too."

Mai said nothing, instead she continued the conversation on in her own head. It's a long shot, but maybe after they rescued Rush, she go after Carmina's dad, and quite possibly find her mother. Mai brough the sandwich up to her mouth, nearly devouring it in two bites as she worked out the rest of the details. She would not tell Carmina what she was doing, knowing she'd want to tag along. It had probably been a mistake to bring her with here in the first place. Not because she didn't think the Rye girl could handle herself, not at all. She was just scared that her dear friend would see the weapon that Mai had become.


After a few hours, she and Carmina switched off, allowing Mai to actually get a few hours of sleep in while Carmina took point as they awaited sundown. The Captain's snores were of some concern but luckily it only drew mild irritation from Carmina who had to suffer through it. Mai swore she had only been asleep for twenty odd minutes or so when Carmina came rattling her awake.

"Mai-Mai something is happening down there."

Mai fidgeted awake, rubbing her eyes, "What are you talking about?

Carmina handed Mai the rifle, allowing her a better view of the coal mine. There was commotion all right: the Highwaymen were frantically running about the upper grounds, unsure of what direction to go in as they held their guns up cautiously. That's when Mai watched as one Highwayman was plummeted by arrows, following down dead on the spot. The other's began to react, heading in the direction of the arrows being shot.

"They're moving away from the main building. This is our best shot." Mai spouted as she holstered the rifle.

"Are you not just a teeny-weeny bit concerned about who is out there shooting arrows of all things?" Carmina gruffed as she followed behind Mai, making their way down the hill.

"We can worry about that later - right now, they're giving us the distraction we need."

With the Highwaymen distracted, and under the guise of the shouting and shooting, they approached the one building that still looked intact. Mai became disgruntled as she noticed the large lock on the door just as she went to open it.

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