Chapter 19

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The sight of her daughter Mai and lover Jacob in one place was more than enough to make Nayeli Lamb grateful that she still had a family to return to. They may have lost their home and lost precious time together, but this was more than enough to make up for that.

When she had heard about the attack on Prosperity and Jacobs injuries, she was beside herself. Angry. Furious that she had not been there to fight for her family. All because of another man's selfishness. Jacob had said nothing when he heard that it was Joseph who had taken his love away. He did flip a few tables over and yelled incessantly but he said nothing. Nayeli knew that if he ever got his hands on his younger brother he'd kill him.

Fitting then that they were at the site of where the cult must have taken John's body following his demise. The Inquisitor's grave. The bunker. Nayeli knew there had to be valuable resources hiding somewhere, despite the fact she nearly blew this place sky high the first time around. The facility itself had been over-flooded, but that did not stop Mai and Thomas from creating a foolhardy plan to lower the girl down into the watery abyss to see what she could find.

Nayeli stayed back with Jacob who had become winded from his injuries, nestling himself against a rock as he slid down to sit.

Nayeli knelt down beside him, glancing over him with concerned eyes, "Are you alright my love?"

Jacob cleared his throat, "Just feels strange being here is all."

He looked over to her as she nodded her head sympathetically. It felt like a lifetime ago that they had once been on opposing sides. This bunker alone held memories that she wished she could bleach from her mind.

Mai's laughter filled the air, drawing her parents attention. Thomas was chasing her with something that probably grossed her out from the way she was laughing and screaming.

Nayeli could not refrain from giggling at the sight. Were it not for Thomas rescuing Mai, she might have never seen her daughter again. As far as she was concerned, he was a permanent part of their family. The way Mai interacted with Thomas was truly something else. She had never seen her daughter smile so brightly aside from when she was a toddler. Never seen her so carefree.

"She's in Love." Blurted Jacob as his eyes closed shut.

Nayeli's eyes darted to him, skeptical. Feeling her staring at him he opened one eye.

He began to smirk, "What? You couldn't tell?"

"Have you met our daughter?" Nayeli retorted, glancing back over to Mai and Thomas who were now trying some sort of pulley system to lower her into the silo.

"He's a good man." Jacob continued without a beat, "It'd be a good match."

"He's too old." Nayeli rebuffed.

Jacob held a disgruntled look on his face causing the lamb to burst out laughing. He held the expression for as long as possible before bursting into a smile, "If he's old then what am I to you?"

Nayeli leaned into him as she quickly pecked his lips. His body laxed even more at her touch, his hand encompassing her face. The irony behind their statements revolved around their own history. Having met when she was only a teenager, only to be reunited and pitted against each other ten years later. Who knew they'd actually fall in love somewhere in between. As she pulled away, she simply smirked, seemingly ready to answer his question.

"You're mine."


A few hours later.

"You alright down there?" Thomas shouted as he looked over the edge of the giant gaping hole that Mai had descended down into.

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