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Nic sighs as he stared out the suburban car window, feeling jet lagged and incredibly bored as he watched the woods pass by him as they got close to their new town.

His twin sister Lydia, nudged him, breaking him from his trance. Lydia tussles Nic's hair and Nic batted her hands away, patting his hair down and gave her an annoyed look

"Nic, tu as l'air mopey. ne sois pas un drag, ça pourrait être un nouveau départ." Lydia says in French

"I'm not being a drag Lydia, and I'm not being mopey, I'm fine, just tired. I know it'll be a fresh start." Nic replies in English, shaking his head.

Their father shakes his head at them from the drivers seat "No nagging Lydia, if your brother says he's fine let him be." James says.

Lydia rolls her eyes but backs off anyways, Lydia was all for the move, Lydia couldn't stay in more than one place for very long, Shes what their mother called a "free spirit".

Teddy was sleeping peacefully in his car seat, blissfully unaware of the dreadful car ride. Teddy was 10 months and was lucky, he's a baby. He's unaware of the world and what was going on. Nic was jealous of him.

James reached his hand back and adjusted Teddy's pacifier, so he wouldn't wake up and start crying for the thankfully last 15 minutes of the trip

"Nic, pouvez-vous vous assurer que la bouteille de Teddy est remplie s'il vous plaît ?" Their father asked in french, glancing up at his oldest soon through the review mirror

Nic nods and reached across the baby car seat to grab Teddy's baby bag, and flashes his father a thumbs up in the mirror when he finds a full bottle.

Having a baby that is 17 years younger than the twins was odd but not that uncommon.

Finally, the had reached their new house, it was a cute old farm house, close to the woods and a lovely pool in the back yard. It was well kept, the paint wasn't chipped and flowers were lush everywhere in the garden.

Lydia unbuckled the baby and gently lifted him out, swinging the baby bag on her shoulder with baby teddy on her hip, his head fell onto his shoulder, still completely unconscious.

James smiled at his three kids, and softly clapped his hands "Alright, Lyds give teddy to me and you guys can go pick your rooms and explore, I'll be right behind you." James says taking Teddy away from Lydia.

Lydia and Nic shared a look and sprinted into the house, searching for the best room.

James Chuckled at his kids and bounced teddy lightly. "Your mother would've loved this house." James whispers fondly, kissing his youngest forehead. He grabbed the foldable baby swing from the trunk and heads in after the twins. James hired movers and a moving van so everything was already in boxes in the living room, except for the couch which was placed perfectly in the living room.

Meanwhile, in the house Lydia and Nic were racing up curving wooden stairs, laughing and jokingly shouting insults at each other to find the coolest bedroom to claim.

The bedroom Nic had found was simply for him. It had a lovely bay window and a gorgeous wooden built in bookshelf, tons of light, It felt right.

Lydia agreed, she was perfectly content with the bedroom across the hall from his. The twins went down stairs and started to unpack the living room, kitchen, and sunroom. With the help of their father, they had unpacked and cleaned the entirety of the downstairs in a day., the three of them were sweaty and exhausted, Lydias head fell onto Nics shoulder as they studied their work. The house was lovely, and homey. It's not their house in France, but Nic supposed it would do for now.

James walked away to check on Teddy and order in Indian food since it was 8:30 at night and they were starving.

Lydia was half-asleep on Nics shoulder, he furrowed his eyebrows as he soothingly stroked Lydias damp hair, he had the strangest feeling he was being watched.

𝖼𝖺𝗇𝗒𝗈𝗇 𝗆𝗈𝗈𝗇       𝖾𝖽𝗐𝖺𝗋𝖽 𝖼𝗎𝗅𝗅𝖾𝗇Where stories live. Discover now