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       A week passed of unpacking and decorating, refurbishing, repainting, cleaning, and putting storage up in the attic, and now the dreaded day of the first day of school for the twins came.

When it comes to getting ready in the morning, it was chaos for the twins, both fighting over the shower and rushing around to get ready, normal sibling things.

James made them coffee and gave them $15 each to get lunch off of campus, the two kissed James on the cheek and took James's car he rented for the twins to share for the next two months until their car comes.

Lydia hops into the driver's seat, sipping on her travel mug of coffee and Nic plugged his phone into the aux, playing their favorite song 'Le temps de l'amour' by Françoise Hardy.

Lydia and Nic were singing along at the tops of their lungs, occasionally taking a break to hand a vape back and forth

They peeled into the school parking lot and cut the engine, the two of them looked at each other and without saying anything they hooked their pinkies together and shook once, before getting out.

"Junior year."  Nic sighs, as the two look at the bland-looking building. Nic adjusts his bag and heads into the front door without noticing the few pairs of eyes staring at his back.

The two teens had managed to find the main office, only getting lost once. Once the two had made it to the office, Nic looked around, the office was small, with a little waiting area, smooth flooding chairs were lined up against the wall, a tan scruffy carpet, posters, notices, and awards decorated the walls, and bulletin boards, they were many plastic plants of various sizes around the office. The room was homey, and comfortable with colored paper on small shelves and in wired baskets, a sign-in sheet sat on a small table next to the door.

There was a counter a few feet away from them  with one small desk with coffee on it sat behind it, and revealing a pretty young lady, with shiny blonde hair and a white blouse, she looked young, maybe late 20s, early 30's and smiled brightly at the twins when she spotted them

"Good morning! How can I help you?" The lady was soft-spoken yet energetic, Nic glanced down at the tag around her neck which read "Ms. Ava Dean"

"Good morning! I'm Lydia Mercer and this is my brother Nic, we're here to get our schedules." Lydia replies, equally bright.

Ms. Dean smiles "of course, it's nice to meet you two, I hope you enjoy your first day at our school..and here are your schedules and the school map! Have a great day guys, come to me if you need anything." Ms. Dean said handing the twins their schedules

"Thanks, you too!" Nic says and the two of them exited the office, exchanging schedules as they walked to see if they had any of the same classes after examining them themselves. Lydia and Nico were pleasantly surprised when they got a large percentage of the same classes together, All of them except for one study hall and last period.

The twins walked back out of the school and got back into their car, following the students like of traffic to the other side of the school after glancing at the map

The twins got out of their car for the second time after hitting their respective vapes and exhaled, walking out back into the gloomy weather and walking to the sidewalk with the rest of the students.

Once the twins got around the cafeteria, building 3 was easy to spot, a large black "3" was painted on a white square on the east corner, Lydia lopped arms with Nic as they approached the door. Lydia gently dropped Nic's arm as they entered the classroom, The classroom was small, the people in front of the twins, including one pale raven haired girl stopped just inside the door to hang up their coats on a long row of hooks, the twins copied the pale girl in front of them who's hands were shaking slightly.

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