|-| S1 Ch12 |-|

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Y/N blinked open her eyes as she glanced around. She was in an unfamiliar bedroom, and laying on the nightstand was her mask. 

She jumped off the bed. Grabbing her mask, she cautiously approached the door without putting it on. Y/N's hand hovered above the handle, about to turn it, when it suddenly opened from the outside. 

"You're awake!" came a voice, and Y/N glanced at the face of the speaker. It was Xander Shakadera. 

Y/N backed up cautiously, dropping her mask as she did so. She opened the window, about to jump, when Xander leaped forward and grabbed her wrist. 

"Hey, Y/N, stop! You need to chill out." 

Y/N scowled and yanked her wrist free of Xander's grasp. She charged around the red-head giant. 

She didn't even realize that she had left her F/C Bey, B/N, behind. 




E/C-Eye entered the school premises just moments before she was shoved harshly against the wall. 

"Ouch!" she exclaimed. She felt the mask being yanked from her face. 

"Y/N!" Shu exclaimed, throwing the mask to the ground in anger. "What was your goal in hiding your identity? Why did you let us all think you were dead?" 

Tears were streaming out of Shu's eyes at this point. Y/N blinked, picking up the mask from the floor. 

"Because if I didn't," she began, "then my parents would have died." 

With that, she scooped up her mask, placing it on her face again and entering the school. 

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