|-| S2 Ch3 |-|

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As Shu approached the location Ashtem told him to meet up at, he couldn't fight the instinct that told him to run for his life. 

He took a deep breath before opening the door to a small building, located in an alleyway, almost immediately being blindfolded. 

After a few minutes, his blindfold was yanked off, and he noticed he was on a small plane. 

"Where are we headed?" he asked Ashtem, who was seated right across from him. 

Ashtem smirked before replying, "We are going to America. Before you go off the charts completely and become Red Eye, you will be joining the Raging Bulls as a normal member." 

Shu nodded, completely untrusting of Ashtem, who had at this point removed his mask. 

"So, Mr. Kurenai," Theodore said, taking a sip of his water. "I need you to sign these papers." 

He pulled out a large stack from his bag and placed them on Shu's lap, along with a pen. "This is your paperwork to join the Raging Bulls. Please be quick about it." 

With that, Theodore stood up to leave. His seat was soon re-occupied, though, by a familiar E/C-eyed blader... without a mask.

"Y/N!" Shu exclaimed, grinning. 

Y/N shushed him, motioning to the pen. "There's a voice recorder inside the pen. They can hear everything we say." 

Shu looked excited. 

"Yeah, but there's something I need to tell you!" 

Y/N shook her head. "Wait until we're somewhere safe. Just fill out the papers, don't talk for the rest of the flight." 

Shu was anxiously squirming in his seat, longing to tell her that her parents were actually dead, and that she didn't have to stay with the Snake Pit. 

The plane took off moments later, and Shu realized that they were the only people onboard other than the pilot. 

That made Shu realize one thing. 

Ashtem was in complete control whether they lived or died at the moment. If he told Y/N that she didn't have to say, Ashtem could easily overhear and order the pilot to crash the plane when he realized that he couldn't control the two anymore... 

"Alright, fine," he stated, starting to fill out the papers. He would just have to wait. 

A few hours later, the plane landed. Theodore Glass was standing outside in the airport as he waited for the two to exit the flight maskless. 

"Alright, you two, let's head to the Raging Bulls," he stated. 

There were many people around, snapping pictures of Shu and Glass. 

"Oh, and Y/N, it's nice to have you back after your long vacation," Theodore said. 

So when Y/N was E/C-Eye, Ashtem disguised it as her going on vacation... huh... 

Shu snapped out of his train of thought as Glass held his hand out for Shu. 

"Right this way. It's time to show you our headquarters." 

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