Chapter 2: The Maze

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When we got out of the lift I was instantly hit by a cool breeze. I shivered a bit. I could see people in the distance chatting. I noticed that I was still holding on to Newt's hand and I quickly pulled my hand away. I nervously laughed and luckily it was dark so no one could see me blushing.

I looked around a bit. Big walls. Where were we? There were doors on all the sides of the walls.  Ivy was all over the walls as well. How old was this place? I looked around more. A saw a few buildings. One being a weird wooden structure in the corner of this place. Another was a big barn on the other side of the big space in between the walls. 

"Alright. You ready for one heck of a party greenie?" Alby said as he patted me on the back and started to walk towards the people chatting in the distance. After a few seconds of hesitation me and Newt start to follow him.

As we got closer I heard some boys call out some things along the lines of: "Hey, look. The greenie is out of the box!" and, "It'd about shucking time the greenie came out of that stupid lift."  Along with whispers and snickering from some of the boys. I just simply followed Newt through the crowed. Trying not to make myself a huge target. 

"Oy! Stop snickering and whispering to each other like your a load of sissy's. Get on with what ever you all were doing or I'll shucking throw you all in the slammer for a night!" Newt said after he had clearly had enough of the other boys being immature. To this, everyone instantly stopped and went back to what they were all doing.

After about 10 minutes, mostly spent gathering firewood and putting it into the middle of a stone circle, Alby got up on a log and announced, "Hello everyone! After a quite eventful day with the greenie, I am proud to announce we finally got them out of that shucking box!" Laughter burst out among the boys and Alby waited for it to die down before he continued. "Now, who is ready for a celebration! Newt. Light em' up." Cheers burst out among the crowd as Newt lit a torch on fire and handed it to Alby. "Care to do the honors greenie?" Alby handed the torch to me. Then on the count of three Alby, Newt, Me, and a couple other people threw our torches into the fire. As it erupted into flames I fell backwards and everyone. Including myself was laughing.

Newt Helped me up and the festivities began. Gally was off fighting a couple other boys in a circle. He won every time despite multiple boys going at him at once. Alby was talking to a couple other boys. And as for Newt... He was sitting next to a log. I decided to join him.

"H- Hello Newt." I say as I sit down next to him.

"Oh, didn't expect you to know my name." Newt slightly chuckled. "How's the party greenie?"

"Oh, um... It's been pretty good." I say as I admire the few. 

"That's good." Newt takes a sip out of a weird looking drink. "Oh, where are my manners. Want some?" He passed the bottle over to me.

I take a sip but instantly spit it out because of it's bitter and nasty taste. "Ew, What is in this bloody thing?" 

Newt laughs to himself before answering my question, "I don't shucking know. It's his special recipe." He motioned over to Gally who was still fighting off multiple boys.

Suddenly, a load boom was heard all around. My ears rang and I fall flat on the ground. Panic fills me. I stand up and instantly realize the doors were closing. I had to get out before they shut. What if it was dangerous in here. A million worrying thoughts filled my head. I stood up and I start to run towards on of the doors. Newt's hand grabs my shoulder and I fall to the ground with a thump. 

I start to panic even more. "N- Newt. I- I have to get out. I don't want to be trapped in here!"

"Greenie. Calm down. Your safer in here then out there." Newt's voice was calm but stern.

"Wh- what do you mean?" I ask him. Tears of panic start to fill my eyes.

"Hey, hey, hey. Don't cry. Why are you so panicked?" His voice was soothing. What he said makes me wonder though. WHY am I so panicked... What was going on.

"I- I'm not sure..." I say to him. I feel less panicked now. "I- I just felt this overwhelming urge that something bad was going to happen."

"I think that's called anxiety, mate..." He said slightly laughing.

"But this was different. I can't put my finger on it though." I get up and dust of my jeans. "Sorry for panicking though."

"It's whatever. Now how about we go see what festivities are going on?" Newt says with a bit of cheer in his voice.

"Sure." I say as we start to walk back to the group.

I turn around to look at the walls real quick before we  get all the way there. There it was again. The feeling that something bad was going to happen. It didn't feel like it was me though. It was like. Like someone was trying to tell me to get out and as far away as possible. 

"R̴̡̝̪̹̄-̴͍͔̠͒̂̓̕͜ ̵̧͚̹̜̂R̴̹̲͂u̷̗͛̀͆̀ṇ̴̫͒̈́̕.̶̬̎̚.̵̯̥̬̃̄̚" I look around to see who said it. No one but Newt was even close to me. And it wasn't him. I knew it wasn't. It almost felt like static in my head. weird. 

"You coming mate?" I hear Newt call a bit in front of me.

"Yup." I say as I quickly catch up to him. I would just brush it off for now. I didn't want people thinking I was crazy. And plus, maybe it was just me being paranoid. I hope.

People start chanting Greenie as I get closer. I just smile and wave to them. It was time to put everything behind me for now and have some fun.

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⏰ Last updated: May 26, 2022 ⏰

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