heart pains

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As a girl walked slowly through the apartment  complex towards the elevator she started slowing down when she realized she reached the elevator. As she clicked the button waiting for the lift she grew excited to be able to see her boyfriends reaction to the beautiful flowers she just bought. She expected him to be tired from his long day of work and she wanted nothing more than to  cheer him up. As she reached her floor she started slowly walking to her room until she reached room ''313'' as she slowly opened the door she was greeted by knocked over things and pairs of clothes, as she finally realized what this situation was she didn't want to see what was inside of her bedroom but left her no choice. As she slammed the door open she saw what was her boyfriend known as '' Ryder Osborne'' or as normal people call him '' the most rich man alive''. But back to what I was saying she saw her boyfriend onto of a random women that looked a little bit younger than her. She had blonde hair that covered the top and as it went down her hair was pink. It looked super shitty and like it was used with cheap dye. She had a light makeup with smudged lipstick and as she  started looking at her boyfriend she saw pink kiss marks on his face. She couldn't help but observe them and immediately she heard. '' Its not what it looks like''. She didn't care she was so in shock she dropped the flowers, she grabbed her important stuff and was gone. She ran back outside in the pouring rain and she had hopped onto her motorcycle and was off, she was speeding because she was furious and never wanted something like this to ever happen to her. She honestly thought her boyfriend loved her. As she speeded down the streets she came to a red light unable to stop her bike because of the rain blocking her sight. BANG. as she was so caught up in her feelings she would have never realized the one she crashed into would change her life. And not in a good way. 

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