chapter 2

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I sighed thinking that I could lose a few more pounds. I put back on my clothes and plopped myself on my bed. I looked over to my right to see my favorite book by Sarah Henderson. I picked it up and turned to the page where there was a poem. It's my favorite poem of all time its called 'Falling Awake'

'Suddenly the world is wide open

I find I'm no longer confined

To the tiny hell I had constructed

The walls I'd been hiding behind

I'm moving into something unknown

This is so unfamiliar, this light

Compared to the darkness I'm used to

I was blind and now I have sight

I'm baffled by all of this beauty

The vibrance and movement out here

The feelings I'm feeling are frightening

In fact, all I've known is fear

But now my senses are stirring

With new and intriguing sensations

Sometimes if I let myself breathe

I touch in on momentous elation

After so long I'm finally here

Though of course, the change came with pain

It was worth it to finally find freedom

The losses don't compare to the gains

It's a little like falling awake

Coming out of a hypnotic sleep

There's a chasm between dying and living

And I'm ready to take the leap'

As I finished reading the poem I heard a knock on my bedroom door. "Yes" I asked in a questioning voice. "Gabby do you wanna go out to eat with us" I heard my brother say. "No thank you" said back as I heard my stomach growled in hunger. "Ok bye" he said as he walked away. Soon later I heard the front door close. I sigh and open back up my book with poems from Sarah Henderson. I turned the next page only to see another poem.


usually that word is compared with flowers

so delicate, small, and without blemish.

this is so only a select few
can fit under the category of beautiful.

but, why can't
we be beautiful like a tree or rock or river?

they are very beautiful
yet no one cares to notice.

a tree

has leaves that fall like teardrops
because no one seems to notice her.

with a tough outside,
she stands rooted strongly as the pain
and lies that she's not beautiful overwhelms her.

to most, she seems normal
with nothing special about her.

her rough bark keeps onlookers from
reaching within and seeing all her scars.

this way,
they can't rip off the carefully placed bandages
that cover her wounded heart.

a rock

is small but still strong.

she is kicked from place to place, the road

always chipping away at her strength.
the sunlight hits a part of her

that shines with a glittering light.

but no one cares.

she's just a rock. they'll never
notice her beauty.

a river

flows; always running and never stopping to rest.

she is called dirty and impure for the things

that others have done to her.

no one reaches deep within to see that she is
just as beautiful

and crystal clear as any other body of water not yet

destroyed by the world.
and so on and on she runs.

may be broken but their beauty
shows through to me perhaps even brighter

than that of a flower.

I closed the book and walked out of my room and into the kitchen where food was set. the Aroma was making my stomach growl. I shook the thought of food off my mind and grabbed a water bottle from the fridge. As I drank the water I went back up stairs where I was safe from everyone.

Ok hi guys I've missed each and everyone of you guys. Xoxoxo
Please go check out my other book 'Far From Ok' when you get the chance to.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 24, 2016 ⏰

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