Chapter 11 - All Hell Breaks Loose, part 2

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When, Paris arrived home, she went down on the couch, with a loud huff. She wasn't as dizzy as before as then Cole came to her. "Are you alright?"

"Yeah, just got knocked over by a demon." Paris replied to him. "I just needed to go home for a bit."

"Understandable." Cole nodded. "Who was the demon?"

"Shax." Paris replied to him.

Cole looked at her. "Your sisters can only vanquishing him with the power of three spell."

"Oh, great and Phoebe is down to find your brother." Paris comment, sarcastically.

Then, Cole turned on the TV and they saw the news, they saw the manor. "Its you sisters home." He comment.

"Oh no!" Paris comment as then her father called her. She grabbed her phone and put it on loud speaker. "Dad, what's wrong?"

"Your sisters are exposed." Raoul replied to her.

"Yeah, we are seeing it."" Paris comment to him.

"We?" Raoul asked, confused.

"Cole." Paris replied to him. "I'm with Cole."

Raoul sighed. "You all need to get out of the house and disappear."

"And how are we gonna do that?" Paris asked to him.

"Come to my home." Raoul replied to her.

Just then, Leo orbed in. "Leo!" Paris exclaimed. "What are you doing here?"

"Your sisters are exposed." Leo replied to her.

"Yeah, we are seeing it on the TV as well as my father warned me." Paris replied to him.

"What do you need?" Cole asked to Leo, reading his face, something was bothering him.

"We need to contact Tempus." Leo replied to him.

All three of them comment. "We can help you with that."

Then, Cole continued. "But I don't know how's that gonna turn out."

"Or what he wants." Paris added.

"Any help is great full." Leo told them. Paris had told him as well, that she has some demon in her as well as being a witch.

"Besides Phoebe down there, if we go to her, then we find Ben and he can help us as well." Paris told him. Then, she hang up the phone.


Later, Paris and Cole shimmered in, where Phoebe and Ben were, Leo orbed in. "Leo?" Phoebe asked in shock. "Paris, Cole?"

"Are you out of your mind? What are you doing?" Ben added.

"Yes, we are." Paris replied to the first question.

Leo looked at them. "Trying to save my family. Prue and Piper have been exposed, Phoebe. The whole world knows you're witches."

Phoebe blinked. "What? How?"

"It doesn't matter how. What matters is getting them out of it," Leo glanced at Ben. "which requires your help."

"Come again?" Ben asked to him.

"You have to get Tempus, you have to get him to reverse time." Leo replied to him.

"Ah, you've gotta be kidding. There's no way." Ben told him.

"I will even help you." Cole said to him.

Leo looked at them. "It's the only way there is, Phoebe, but we have to move fast."

"A-a-I couldn't summon Tempus even if I wanted to, I don't have that kind of power." Ben sighed.

"But you know somebody who does." Phoebe said to him.

"Yeah we do." Cole nodded.

"Wait," Ben laughed. "you want me to ask The Source to help witches?"

"Us too, the whole world knows about all of us." Paris replied to him.

"It doesn't just help witches. The demonic world has been exposed too, Ben, why do you think he's here? Resetting time solves everybody's problem. But make it your idea, pitch it like you're doing it to save him, not them. Whether that's why you're doing it or not." Leo added.

There was a pause. Then, Ben told them. "This is suicide."


Later, they were discussing something very quietly. Then, Ben walked in and Phoebe went over to him. "Ben, where have you been? We've been worried. What's the matter?"

"He knows. About you, about us." Ben replied to her as then he looked at Cole and Paris. "He knows about you too."

"So, what does that mean?" Phoebe asked to him.

"He's offering a deal. He'll get Tempus to reset time if you stay... here." Ben replied, looking at them.

Leo blinked. "What, down here? He's crazy."

"Hardly." Ben shrugged.

"Yeah, well, we're desperate but not that desperate." Leo told him.

Phoebe looked at him. "Why would he think that I would accept an offer like that?"

Ben hesitated for a moment. "Because it's the only way to bring one of your sisters back to life."

"What?" The sisters asked on the same time.

Leo looked at them. "It's a trick, he's lying."

"No, it's not." Ben told them as Leo orbed out.


Leo orbed in, crying. Phoebe went over to him. "Piper." She hugged him tightly.

"You don't have to do this." Leo told her.

"Yes I do." Phoebe gold him as then she looked at Ben. "So, will resetting time affect us down here?"

Ben shook with his head. "No."

"Good. I only have one condition." Phoebe nodded. "You must warn Prue and Piper before the demonic hit man attacks. Otherwise they're dead anyway."


Sometime later, they all heard the Source calling. "It shall be done." Then, a crack of thunder was heard and time was reset to before they were exposed.

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