Chapter 28 - Long Live the Queen

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Piper, Paris and Paige were in the Attic. Piper was making potions while Paige and Paris were looking through the Book of Shadows. “Damn it, I have read through this fifteen times, there is nothing even remotely helpful about how to save Phoebe.” Paige exclaimed.

“I could just tell you.” Paris comment.

Piper looked at them. “I told you, she made a choice. There’s no magical cure for that.”

“Yeah, well, she’s pregnant, Piper, Paris, so she’s being influenced by the baby inside.” Paige comment.

“I’m pregnant as well and do you see I’m influenced by my baby?” Paris asked to her.

Paige shook with her head. “No.”

“There you have it.” Paris waved.

Piper looked at them. “And we could’ve helped her overcome that but she chose Ben.”

“Will you just stop with the potions already? You’ve already over run the kitchen, I’d say we have enough.” Paige asked her.

“This one duplicates my freezing power plus it scalds the flesh, so we should only use it in a dire emergency.” Piper replied to her.

“I’m getting a headache.” Paris groaned.

“No!” Paige shouted. “I will not Phoebe’s flesh, she’s still our sister.”

Just then, Leo orbed in. Paige, Paris. They walked over to him. “How is she?”

“She’s like Piper light. All the personality without any of those messy emotions.” Paige replied.

“That.” Paris added.

“Rumour on the demonic grape vine is the new queen is killing upper level demons. Word is she killed two just last night.” Leo told them.

Paige frowned. “What does that mean?”

“That’s Phoebe is still Phoebe.” Paris replied in a duh voice.

Leo nodded. “It means it looks like Phoebe’s working from the inside for the good guys.”

Paige smiled. “That’s great.”

“Since when do you guys believe rumours that are spread by demons?” Piper asked to them.

“It’s our sister.” Paris replied.


Later, Piper, Paige, Paris and Leo were in the Dining room. Piper was showing them the potions. “These are meant to slow an attacker down but not do real serious harm, it’s kind of like magical mace.”

“Nice, Piper.” Paris comment.

Paige nodded. “Sounds reasonable I guess.”

Piper showed them more. “These are a little more lethal... explosives, paralytics, your garden variety of poisons.”

Leo frowned. “So you’re gonna poison Phoebe?”

Piper looked at him.  “Leo, she’s carrying the spawn of the Source, she’s throwing fire from her hands. If she shows up here, we’ll do what we have to do to protect ourselves.”

“Hello, she is married to my twin boyfriend. Do you think I’m carrying a spawn?” Paris asked as little angry.

“No, Cole is trying to be good and your baby is also good.” Piper replied.

Paris nodded. “Thanks.”

Paige looked at Piper. “You’re not even giving her a chance.”

Piper sighed. “Paige, we gave her every chance in the world to come back to us and she threw it in our faces. She chose the Source of all evil over her own family.”

Suddenly, Phoebe flamed in. “Surprise!” Piper quickly grabbed a potion and throws it toward Phoebe. Phoebe throws fire at the potion, disintegrating it. “Nice to see you too, Piper.”

Piper looked angry. “What do you want?”

“Oh, and here I thought you’d be happy to see me.” Phoebe replied.

“I’m happy to see you.” Paige comment.

Piper looked at her. “Paige.”

“What?” Paige shrugged.

“Honestly, it’s mixed feeling.” Paris told them, truthfully.

Piper sighed. “Unless you’re here to tell us you filed for a divorce, we don’t really have much to talk about.”

Phoebe looked at her. “Oh that’s not true. For instance we could talk about how rigid you are. It’s really not a very attractive quality.”

Piper picked up another potion. Leo stopped her. “Wait. Phoebe, what are you doing here?”

Phoebe looked at them. “I had a premonition. We have an innocent to save and not a lot of time.”

“Understandable.” Paris comment.

Paige nodded. “That is so great. Look, I told you.”

Phoebe looked at them. “Don’t get excited, it’s not what you think. I haven’t changed my mind, I’m not leaving Ben and I’m not renouncing my ground. It’s just I’ve never ignored a premonition in my life and I’m not about to start now.”

“Uh, Phoebe, you’re evil. You’re like the queen of all evil, literally.” Piper pointed it out.

Phoebe shrugged it off. “That’s beside the point.”

“How can that be beside the point?” Piper asked, confused.

“I say we do it.” Paige spoke up.

“Me too.” Paris added.

Piper looked at them. “What?”

“Excuse me.” Paige and Paris pulled Piper and Leo aside. “Look, this is what we’ve been hoping for. A sign that there’s still good in her. Why else would she care about saving the innocent?”

“Because it’s a trap.” Piper suggested.

“Piper, this could be our only chance.” Paige countered.

“I agree.” Paris added.

Leo spoke up. “I think Paige is right. By helping her do good, it might sway her back to our side.”

“Fine.” Piper sighed.

Paige looked at Phoebe. “Okay, you’re on, we’ll follow you.”

Piper grabbed some potions. Phoebe frowned. “What’s that for?”

“Insurance.” Piper replied.


Piper, Paige and Leo orbed. Phoebe flamed. Paris shimmered. They were in a ally. “Argh, why do I always have to land in the mud.” Paige complained.

“Come on, over here.” Phoebe told them. They stood behind some wooden crates.

Leo looked at Phoebe. “How do you know when he’s gonna get attacked?”

“I know.” Phoebe replied. Gregory walked around the corner. “There he is.” She pointed.

Malick shimmered in behind him. Piper froze Gregory. Malick looked around. “Hey.” Piper went to blow him up and Phoebe knocked her. She blows up a bike near by.

“No, Piper.” Phoebe called.

“What are you doing?” Piper asked, confused.

An energy ball appeared in Malick’s hand. “Stop.” Phoebe walked towards Malick.

Malick crouched down. “My queen.”

“Leave that innocent alone. Go.” Phoebe ordered him. Malick shimmered out. Piper, Paige, Paris and Leo stared at her. “What? One of my subjects.”

Piper stared at her. “How-how-how could you do that? How could you just let him go?”

“I don’t know you’re so upset, we saved the innocent didn’t we?” Phoebe asked back.

“You did.” Paris muttered.

Piper held her arms up. “I can’t talk to her, you talk to her.”

Leo looked at Phoebe. “Phoebe...”

“Things are not as black and white as they used to be. Okay, I can’t just go around killing demons anymore.” Phoebe interrupted him.

Paige frowned. “Why not? We heard you just killed two last night.”

“Yeah, well, that was different, he was getting on my nerves. I promised Ben I wouldn’t kill anymore. And killing Malick would’ve been a huge betrayal.” Phoebe replied.

“Oh yeah, that’s normal.” Paris comment.

Piper frowned. “Malick? You’re on a first name basis with the demons?”

“If you were just gonna order him to stop you could’ve done that on your own. Why did you even come to us?” Leo asked to Phoebe.

“Because I missed you guys! Okay, is that so wrong? I missed you.” Phoebe replied.

“I can’t do this right now.” Paris exclaimed as she shimmered out of there.


Sometime later, Paris was back in the Manor. Kitchen. Piper and Paige were there also. Piper is sitting at the table with her head down, while Paige mixed together some ingredients in a blender. “How many hangover cures do you have?” Piper groaned.

Paige looked at her. “A lot. There was a time in my life when I needed these often.”

“Well I don’t.” Paris comment. “I didn’t need it.” They looked confused. “Demon side.”

“What never had a hangover?” Paige asked.

“No.” Paris replied.

Piper looked up. “Ugh.” The blender make an awful racket and she groaned. “I’m sorry, Paige, I don’t know what got into me. I mean, it’s one thing when your sister has a husband that you can’t stand, it’s another when he is the Source of all evil.”

Paige poured the stuff from the blender into a cup and took it over to Piper. “Drink up, we’ve got some work to do.”

“We can’t lose her. I can’t lose another sister, I don’t think I’ll survive it.” Piper stated.

“We won’t, Piper.” Paris promised. Piper nodded to her youngest sister.

Paige spoke up. “I’ve been thinking about it. Phoebe was different today.”

“Yeah, she was nuts.” Piper agreed.

“Yeah, but she cared, about us, about Greg. Something has changed and I think now is our chance to get her back.” Paige told them.

Piper frowned. “How?”

“Well, I think we storm the penthouse, bring the crystals, we still know the spell, we vanquish the Source the same way we did the last time.” Paige replied.

“Yeah, but now this time the Source is Ben. Do you really think she’s gonna say a little spell with us to vanquish him?” Piper asked.

“Maybe, I wouldn’t know.” Paris replied.

Paige looked at them. “If she doesn’t we die.”

“Is that supposed to be comforting?” Piper asked. Paris shrugged.

Paige sighed. “Actually, yeah. The good in Phoebe is fighting to the surface, we saw that today. I don’t think she’s just gonna stand by and watch Ben kill us.”

“Are you willing to bet your life on that?” Piper asked.

Paige frowned. “Aren’t you?”

“I am.” Paris replied.

Piper looked at Paige. “You know, you’re pretty amazing, Paige. I mean, a year ago you were an only child.”

“And I don’t want to be again. Let’s go.” Paige comment. Piper grabbed her drink and stood up. “There we go. I’ll get the crystals.” They walked to the bottom of the stairs and saw Phoebe walking through the foyer. “Phoebe.”

“Ben is gonna kill Greg Conroy, and I can’t let that happen.” Phoebe was straight to the point. Paris looked at her aura, its was someone else.

Piper looked at her. “So what do you wanna do?”

“I think that we have to vanquish Ben.” Phoebe replied.

“Do you really?” Paris asked. Phoebe nodded.

Paige smiled. “I knew it, I knew she was ready.”

“We have to use Greg as bait.” Phoebe told them.

Paris frowned. “Bait? But he’s an innocent.”

“I know, but Ben’s looking for him, he’ll find him wherever he is so he’s safest here.” Phoebe suggested.

Piper pointed it out. “So we have Leo bring Greg here but then when Ben arrives Leo’s gotta orb Greg outta here.”

“And then we vanquish Ben.” Phoebe added.

“I’ll get the crystals.” Paige went upstairs.

Piper looked at Phoebe. “Phoebe, um, I know how much you love Ben, I’m really...”

“I can’t get emotional about this now, Piper, if I do I won’t be able to go through with it.” Phoebe interrupted her.

Paige came back down with the crystals. “Ready.”

“Leo, bring Greg.” Piper called. Leo orbed in with Greg.

“So how long do you think till Ben gets here?” Paige asked.

Suddenly, Phoebe changed into Ben. “Sooner than you think.” He throws a fireball at Greg and he was incinerated. Ben flamed out.


Piper, Paige and Leo orbed in the living room from Ben’s and Phoebe’s home. Paris shimmered in. Ben walked into the living room. “You evil son of a bitch.” Paige snarled. Piper blows up Ben and he disintegrated into fragments which fly around in a circle. Paige and Paris placed the crystals on the floor around him.

Piper glanced at the bathroom. “Phoebe, get out here and help us damn it.” The fragments of Ben was pulled back together. “Paige. Paris.”

Ben hit Paige and was knocked across the room. One of the crystals she was holding bounces along the floor. “Don’t make me kill you.” He attacked Paris, but she ice powers on him. He groaned as Piper blows up Ben again and Leo healed Paige.

“What the hell?” Paris asked staring at her hands. They glanced at her.

“Phoebe, you heard what he said, he’s gonna kill us, help us!” Piper shouted.

Phoebe went into the living room. The fragments of Ben was pulled back together and a fireball appeared in his hand. Phoebe picked up the crystal that bounced across the floor. “I’m sorry, it’s, it’s for the best.” Ben told to her.

“I know it is.” Phoebe walked over to Ben and the fireball disappeared. Phoebe kissed him.

“Phoebe?” Piper asked confused.

Phoebe moved away from Ben. “I’m sorry too.” She placed the crystal in its place and the trap was activated. She walked to her sisters and Leo.

“Phoebe, no. No!” Ben shouted.

“I’m sorry, baby, I’m so sorry.” Phoebe told him.

Piper began the spell. All sisters were holding hands. “Prudence, Penelope, Patricia, Melinda...”Fire appears near Ben’s feet.

Phoebe: “Ashford, Helen, Laura and Grace...” Phoebe continued.

Ben looked at Phoebe. “I will always love you.”

“Halliwell witches stand strong beside us.” Paige added another bit from the spell.

Paris looked at her sisters. “Vanquish this evil...”

“From time and space.” All of them said, finishing the spell. They vanquish Ben and it make a huge explosion, making the windows smash. Phoebe walked to the middle of the room and cried.


Author's note: I hope you all liked it and please check out my other stories!!!

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