Chapter 3

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Harry called once. The bad thing is that Sadie beat me to my phone and answered for me. She made me answer. I ended the call as soon as she handed me the phone. Sadie got mad at me, but didn't do anything more. I was thankful that she didn't.

I take a deep breath. Sadie drug me into the stupid restaurant. She said that it was her way of apologizing. Like I'm going to buy this load of crap. Sadie never apologizes. Not for things like she did with the Harry situation. If she feels that she's right then she doesn't apologize. And this place is too fancy. Sadie's plans always have flaws. It's too perfect. If Sadie were to mean it then she would have taken me down to the Waffle House down the road. Something's up. And I'm fully aware of it.

I try not to let my suspicion show as a disappointed looking Sadie sits back down at the table from going to the 'restroom.' She gives me a faint smile.

"What's wrong?" I ask.

"Oh, nothing," Sadie answers. "It's just...nothing."

"What?" I ask.

"Nothing," Sadie says.

We eat our food in silence. I know exactly what Sadie was up to. As if it wasn't obvious. It makes me furious that she would even attempt this. I knew that this wouldn't be an apology. I know Sadie better than that. She wouldn't apologize because she feels like she's right.

I poke at my food and stare down at it.

"If you thought that he would come just because you asked, you're wrong," I say. "As if he would show up."

Sadie looks at me. She looks a little taken aback. " did you know?" she asks.

"It's obvious, Sadie," I say. "Why would you do this to me? After you knew how I felt about him. And you still attempt to do something like this?"

"I'm...sorry," Sadie says.

"No you aren't. You know you aren't. I know you aren't. We all know you aren't," I say.

"Look I'm trying to help. This is the first time you've actually had a boyfriend. Or a close enough result to a boyfriend," Sadie says.

"So a complete stalker is my boyfriend? Is that all I get? I don't get anything better? And you'd let that happen?" I say, raising my voice.

"Ray," Sadie says. "We're in public. Please don't yell."

I cover my face with my hands and lean my elbows against the table. I take in a deep breath and close my eyes.

Breathe, Ray, I think. Breathe.

I slide out of the booth and brush myself off.

"Ray, where are you going?" Sadie asks, alarm filling her voice.

"The gym," I growl.

I storm out of the restaurant. This 'staying calm' thing isn't working for me. Brett's going to have to help me somehow. I know he'll be at the gym. He's always there later than everyone else.

Thank God it doesn't take long to reach the gym since the restaurant is in town. I only have to walk a block or so.

I push open the door angrily and storm to the back of the gym. I grab my pair of boxing gloves from the boxing supplies.

"This isn't working, Brett!" I yell out.

"Go ahead and practice," Brett says calmly, walking from somewhere from the back of the gym. Probably from the fitness area.

Before I slip on my gloves, I place one of the boxing dummies in the middle. I slip on the gloves and it doesn't take long before I'm picking the dummy off of the boxing floor. Brett leans against the ring's ropes with a rag thrown over his right shoulder.

"Right uppercut," Brett instructs.

I do as he orders and throw a right uppercut. I turn to Brett.

"This isn't working," I say.

"Siddown and talk," Brett says.

I take my gloves back off and throw them at the dummy. They bounce off and roll on the floor. I sit down in the middle of the ring. Brett leans forward to listen.

"It's everything", I say. "Dad being in jail, my job, Sadie going about, this guy who's a complete jerk, my life. It's all screwed up."

"I understand about your dad and job," Brett says. "Explain about Sadie and this GUY."

"Sadie drug me into this club Tuesday night," I say. "And while I was in there, I ran into this guy. He came off as a complete jerk. And then before he left he forcefully kissed me. Sadie met him yesterday and she gave him my number. And she keeps trying to get me in touch with him. He basically knows all he needs to know to murder me-my number, where I live, work, and spend my free time."

"I know you like to take care of your own problems, but maybe I should handle this," Brett says.

"No! I've got this!" I say.

"You don't seem like you do," Brett says.

"I-do," I snap.

"I'd hate to break it to you right now, but you have someone else joining your age group tomorrow," Brett says.

My blood runs cold and my face goes pale. I suddenly find it hard to breathe.

"Ray?" Brett asks.

"Please tell me you're kidding," I say, fear coating my voice.

"No," Brett says. "Personally, I think that there's too many as there is. But your uncle begs to differ."

I don't have to hear it from Brett. I already know who it is. He said that he might try it. It doesn't mean that I believed him though.

"It's him," I say.

"Who?" Brett asks.

"If he signed up, then I quit. I WILL NOT teach training if he's signed up," I say.

"Ray. Who are you talking about?" Brett asks again.

"Harry," I say.

Brett pauses for a second. "Is it that bad that you'd quit training your group?" he asks.

I look up at Brett, dead in the eyes to show him just how serious I am.

"Yes," I say coldly.

"C'mon, Raylan. You can't do that! That's a little far, isn't it? You love teaching them too much," Brett says.

"I can and I will," I say. "Watch me."

I stand up to leave. With one jump, I'm over the ropes and off of the platform.

"Raylan," Brett calls.

I don't turn around.

"Raylan," Brett says a little more sternly.

I keep walking.


I don't pay attention.

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