Chapter 5

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Even though I had taken my anger out on Harry, I feel extremely bad about it. I never thought I would ever feel this guilty about anything. It felt good to punch Harry. He deserved it. But it's the simple fact that I lost control and took my anger out on him-even if it was only for three minutes. I didn't mean to. And I definitely didn't want to. 

I'm scared to see him though. I want to say sorry, but there's one thing. I hate saying sorry. To anyone. It's another thing Sadie and I have in common. Or maybe it's the fact that I saying sorry to Harry. 

Last I saw him was Friday at the gym. He had a bruise on his left cheekbone where I had hit him. I don't know about when I hit him in the stomach. 

He hasn't called or surprise visited. I haven't even seen him pass by Starbucks. I wouldn't know if he's been to the gym. I haven't been going lately. Brett's been covering for me. 

This is most probably the stupidest and most ignorant thing I've ever done. And I don't necessarily like it. But I know that I should do it. Whether I like it or not. 

I take my car so that it'll be quicker. I've never really been here before, but it's close to Starbucks so I can't miss it by that much. It takes me a total of ten to twelve minutes to reach Starbucks. I continue down the road, looking to find the place. Two blocks down, I finally find it. Ace's Bakery. 

It's definitely bigger than I thought it would be. There's a huge wood counter, spreading from the back where it leads to the kitchen. But there's a wall so that you can't see past. I'm guessing there's a short pathway that's curves around that leads into the kitchen. Along the left wall is a case full of cakes and deserts. On the right wall are two cases. One filled with bread. And the other filled with more sweets. Scattered across the floor are tables and chairs filled with people eating. It's clear some people have a sweet tooth. 

I weave in and out of the tables to get to the front counter. There's a sign hanging above the counter, stuck to the wall. It's a menu. Apparently they make a little more than bread and sweets. 

"Hi, welcome to Ace's Bakery. How may I help you?" the guy asks. 

" Styles here?" I ask. 

The guy's eyes turn dark. But he nods his head and goes to the left and disappears behind a passage, just like I thought there'd be. I wait a few minutes for Harry to walk out, carelessly looking around the place for further inspection.  

After what seems like seven minutes, Harry walks out from the little hallway type thing. I can see the colored bruise that I left on his left cheek. I bite my bottom lip. Flour is covering an apron that he's wearing. His curly hair also has a few white sprinkles in it here and there. He shakes his hair and flips it to the side. There's a moment of silence before he speaks. 

"Hey, Ray," he says. 

"Hi," I say. "Listen, Harry, I'm really sorry about Friday. It's just that I was mad and I was caught up and I wasn't thinking straight." 

"Ray, it's okay," Harry says. "I kind of wish you hadn't used the gloves when you punched me, though. Maybe it would have knocked more sense into me." He pauses for a second. "I'm just trying to figure you out. You aren't like any other girl that I've met. You're different from them. And that confuses me. But at the same time it intrigues me. You're hard to understand. And for some reason I like that." 

"Don't try to flirt with me, Styles," I say. "I just came here to say sorry." 

"By the way...that punch that you threw—the one that gave me this—" Harry points towards the bruise on his cheek. "—that made you even more attractive." 

I snort with disgust and turn around to leave.  

"Bye, Ray!" Harry calls. "See you later, babe!" 

I turn around to glare at him. He gives me a smirk. Before I turn back around, he leans against the wooden counter and says something that I can't hear. 

"What?" I ask. 

Harry motions a finger towards me, telling me to come to him. I walk forward so that I'm standing in front of the counter again. 

"I forgive you," Harry says, his smirk still visible. 

I roll my eyes and turn to leave once again. But for the second time, Harry stops me. He takes the side of my face in his hand.  

Instead of kissing me fully, he kisses the corner of my mouth. He chuckles when he sees that I was waiting for him to forcefully kiss me. Harry brushes his thumb over my bottom lip. 

"Bye, Raisin," Harry says. 

I scowl at the nickname he just granted me. 

I turn around for the last time and push open the bakery door. Thank God that's over. I sit in my car for a second, just thinking. My mind replays the conversation 

"I'm just trying to figure you out," my mind replays little snippets of what Harry said. "You aren't like any other girl I've met. You're different." 

Is that a good thing or a bad thing? There's no telling with Harry. I don't understand his logic for things. I don't understand him.  

"And for some reason, I like that." 

I don't like the sound of that. But something—not willingly—inside me got so tickled at recalling that. Something inside of me fluttered. Something as being my heart. Or what I recall to be my heart. I'm not so sure that it is anymore.  

"Bye, Raisin." 

An image of his smirk flashes into my mind. I shake him out of my head and turn my car on. 

I have to get him off of my mind. Somehow. Someway. I will keep Harry Styles from invading my thoughts.


Mkay, soooo...Hi. I'm obsessed with writing this.

My throat's been hurting though. That sucks. For me.

PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE HIT THAT BUTTON THAT SAYS 'Vote'!!!!!!!!!!!! It'll only take not even three seconds of your life away. You can use the extra two seconds to...I don't know...breathe or something. Yeah, breathing is always good. So go breathe some air.

And make sure to comment as well....

Hehehe, bye!!!


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