Ralph x Felix

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{Brothers by Chance, Lovers by Choice} Ralph x Felix

💥TRIGGER WARNING💥: Feet kink, seggs

TAGS: #Ralph/Felix
#Cheating #creampies 
#🌽without plot #sinners misbehave #Saints do not but watch #My head hurts #FeetKink #Anal #mlm #Probing #

Felix knew this was wrong, but when he felt Raph's gigantic dingadongers expanding his insides, he couldn't help but scream "Wreck it,Ralph! Wreck it!"

Ralph did so per Felix's demand. His giant finger pressing on to Felix's penis, emitting a moan the man.

With Felix's lose lips, uneven patters of sounds came flowing out like a melody through Ralph's ears. Felix was starting to see white as tears blurred his sight. He grabbed everything he could get his hands on; the sheets, Ralph's hair, Ralph's shirt- before he locked his arms around the man's neck and pulled him down for a sloppy kiss.

Muffled moans could be heard through the kiss as Ralph thrusted harder into Felix- doing what he did best. Wreck it.

Felix knew Calhoun would be back soon from her game but he couldn't find it in him to care for now. All on his mind right now was Ralph. His hot breath on his face. Their sweat and saliva merging together. His scent- Ralph.

The bed bounced up and down as Ralph started to wreck his way further into Felix, forcing a loud moan to escape through the married man's lips.

Felix let out a breath as a put a hand on his stomach, feeling a large bump inside.

"Ahn~! Ahh, I'm....coming..! Ngh..!!!"  Felix buried his face in the crook of Ralph's neck. He gritted his teeth as his sight blurred.

Ralph grunted in acknowledgement in Felix's ears.

They knew what they were doing was wrong and it was cheating. Felix knew and he felt bad. But after seeing the giant male outside in the rain, his muscles looking constricted through his red shirt, as if wanting to burst out. The one strap hanging on for dear life, his hair slicked back through the rain. His abs and pecs almost see-through through the rain.

And his huge concrete gripper slappers. Don't get Felix started on those ground stompers.

After Felix invited him in his house for a cup of tea, he didn't know what happened. Despite that, he let it happen. Like he wanted it to happen.

He remembers when they started doing it. He remembers Ralph probing inside him with his toe, violating and stretching him out.

It awakened something in Felix that he didn't know whether to be grateful or ashamed of. Ralph had shoved not one but two of his toes inside Felix. Touching and probing the rim of his hole as Felix held his shaking legs up, exposing himself all to Ralph. This was a side of him even Calhoun hadn't seen before, and they were married.

"I'm close," Ralph grunted.

"...In me,"


"Do it in me," Felix whined and beg "Pleash~!"

Ralph couldn't help but shoot his load at that request, prompting a loud moan that dragged for seconds out of Felix as they both reached their climax.

Felix twitched beneath Ralph as he gripped on to the man for dear life.

'Its leaking,' Felix thought, Ralph hadn't pulled out yet but his cvm leaked through his asshole. Felix could only imagine how much of a mess it would make when Ralph pulls out.

When Ralph did pull out, Felix suppressed a moan everytime Ralph made a movement.  As Ralph walked into the bathroom to clean up, Felix buried his face into the pillow in shame. He could never face Calhoun like this now.

How could he do this to his own wife. He could still feel Ralph's semen leak out of his gaping, twitching hole and he felt even more ashamed. Slowly, baring the pain on his hips and butt, he sat up and started to clean up.

He and Ralph's relationship will never be the same again. Brothers by chance, lovers by choice.

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