Mpreg Kaeya

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TAG: #MPREGKaeyaAlberich #Draft

Nausea. It was the first feeling kaeya felt as soon as he woke up. His throat burned and everything in his vision doubled, regardles of him only having one eye and the other patched.

It was stupid, he had just gone drinking as usual with Rosaria the night before, he didn't even noticed when he went overboard and let himself loose. The traveller, as he recalled that night, happened to be there with a strange man who called himself Dainsleif.

Kaeya sat up, remembering, traveller had left the tavern moments later after he talked to Dain, and kaeya remembers talking to this man. The rest was left in history.

A surge of burning feeling rose to his throat until he felt himself throwing up. He ran as fast as he could to the bathroom and let the once fine wine into the toilet. What a waste.

Come to think of it, he didn't know how he managed to come home either. Did Diluc carry him home again like he usually does when Kaeya passes out? Diluc didn't know kaeya was aware of this and he planned to keep it a secret.

If this did happen, what happened to that fine man?

Kaeya didn't have time to think that out as he threw up again on the bowl.

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⏰ Last updated: May 25, 2022 ⏰

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